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v Ignore all this crap XDDD v


This is Grand Opening day, since I've just began working on this site. I need some html help, but I think I've gottan to my feet. I have no idea what I'm doing, or where I'm going, but I wanted to start a new site and that's what I'm doing. I don't think that I'm going to put as many dolls on this site as I did my other site (hopefully you don't mind...). The only dolls I will add will be handdrawn dolls, since they're becoming somewhat of a habit of making. If you want to see my other dolls, you can visit my other website which I'm just about ready to add a banner to. Thanks you guys for always being so cheerful and supportive.

3-31-02 : HAPPY EASTER!!!

No egg hunts here...=) We attended a good mass today at twelve, even though it did run a little over the time limit. I just can't still quietly in Church for an hour and fifteen minutes. It's just not really possible. My brother and mom are going to drive to Indiana today, and they'll be gone for awhile, so maybe I'll be able to sneak a few more hours in on the computer =) They're going to go look at colleges for Carl...I'm sure glad I'm not him (I hate viewing colleges)
We watched AI last night (in my opinion, it wasn't one of the greatest movies) It was weird...there were plenty of good endings, but Speilberg had to go on and make it a happy ending. I don't know, that's just my opinion...
I've been trying to download music for my welcome page (Start the Commotion) but the computer is being defiant and is sticking its nosee up at me. Maybe later I can upload a few dolls onto the dollz page...I'm also thinkin of adding a Webmistress's page or something. So expect a lot of updating today (hopefully)

4-1-02: April Fools Day

Well, it's April Fools Day and I haven't any jokes to play. I could rubber band the lever on the spray that connects to the sink (when you turn on the water with the lever pressed down, the spray...well...sprays) but I did that last year, and had to clean it up. I could tape the door shut, but Carl isn't home, so there goes that idea. I could put all pictures upsidedown in their frames, but that's too difficult. If you have any ideas, e-mail them!! LoL.
I'll just majorly mess up tonight at play practice...
I'm starting to upload my dolls. It might take awhile to get everything up, but then again, my mom isn't home and my dad doesn't care how long I spend on the computer. So I'll probably get a lot done today... =)
Don't get sick on all your Easter candy! I know I can't...I have to run a mile today or tomorrow and another on Wednesday...=\


Just kicking back. Not much to say except I wish my mom a happy b-day. So yeah, hope you guys enjoy April 2nd...


Sorry I haven't really done much on the website lately. There was plenty to do, but then there was the actual process of doing them that I didn't really feel like doing. You know, I'm board out of my mind, but the things that there are to do, I don't want to. It's like cleaning if you think about it. I've also been sick the last two days...sick as in feeling like I'll die if I lift even my head from the bed...well, I won't go into details.
I wrote a lot on the info about the site page...if you want to read it, great! If not, be that way...LoL I'm just kidding, of course.


My goodness, it seems like forever since I've last done alterations, but the sad relization is that, well, it isn't exactly spring break anymore. I have a lot of fun things to do now. I know, your thinking that I'm just making excuses, but its Hell Week for my play, and opening night is Thursday. I'm a cross-dresser you see (smiles, I'm a boy) and, well, we have practice every night except tonight which is joyful. I have a few projects that are starting to sum up our quarter, and I'm reading Lord of the Rings for the second consecutive time :) So I hope you don't mind the lack of updates...I'll try to start a bit more, but I'll just have to see how it runs.


So I rush home, beg my mom for 15 minutes on the computer, and plop down in front of the screen. I take a peek at MDA (Miss Doll America) and Miss Hawaii has already started voting! I'm sitting here screwing my stupid head off, since I took forever to make my Miss Hawaii doll, and now she's useless. So I'll stick here here, as my soon-to-be doll spotlight. Yup, I came up with that idea while sitting here typing these very words, listening to my music, and dreading my homework. Maybe, if I have time, I'll work more on the sight today, but I have lots to do with the play and all my homework.


I'm updating, not uploading. I've been working on my fantasy collections (I give all my fantasy works names and make "collections" of them) and am going to put them up on the pages when I feel like uploading. Right now I don't feel like doing that. I also need to upload my (wow!) two bases. They take awhile to do, so don't laugh. But unfortunately, I have to use the other computer for that because if I want you guys to be able to use them I need to save them as gifs, and this computer's gifs are screwed. So, another excuse, but still, oh well. I just finished (or partially finished) my homework, and am listening to Smooth Criminal (hahaha Keiran) but not like you care...I'm just tired from the play I guess. Only 3 performances left...


It's My One-Month Aniversary!
I just updated a little...I added a new dollz page for my new dolls. One won't show up, but I'll fix that later. I need to go work on homework now, but I wanted to ask you guys a favor. If you know a contest (or have a contest) for me to enter, that'd be great, please e-mail me. I love contests, and I can't find one now. I also was wondering how to get your site a little more publicity, besides entering contests. My old site kinda fell on its face, and that's what I don't want to happen this time.
I have bases!!! Two, right now, but I need to change the skin colors and stuff, so that they aren't all caucasian. But I'm proud, I'll try to have them up ASAP. Oooo, I'm excited. I started this one month ago, and I'm diving in head first. It feels great! I'm soooo excited, and for once I'm thinking positively ;D


Do you like my new welcome mat?(that's what I call them, welcome mats) I spent about a half-hour yesterday trying to find a picture of a blue fairy that wasn't the one from Pinnocio =) I like how it turned out, don't you? usual, I need help. I'm on the old computer, and I've been trying to work out my bases, and they're annoying the freaking heck out of me. It turns out that the gif format has changed or something, and keeps screwing me up. If anyone can help me...please...I need to know how to put a stupid picture on angelfire that looks and works like a bmp but isn't. If you guys don't mind using bases with messed up colors, then I can put it on here, but I don't think you want that. So I won't. But then I need to know this! Well, thanks for listening...


Well, I've been updating, but I haven't really been sticking things in my diary. Sorry! Let me do a little shoveling in my memory, and maybe I can dig up what I did...
Oh yes! I added the bases (there are only 4) but they're in JPG like I warned you, so they will be real hard to use. I also added one new doll, since I haven't been working hard on dolls lately. Also, I just sent an e-mail for a contest...I dunno when my doll will be up, but the site address is here. My doll is "Tiger, Tiger", and please vote for me if you like it =)
Let's see, what else. Hmm...well, I got the Links page into a linking wall, but unfortunately I need more links! Haha, so if you want me to put a link to your site (with a 130 x 55 pixel banner), then send me your site address. I got my Dreambook up and running too, but since this site doesn't have lots of publicity, there aren't any signatures. Please sign it! I love hearing from you guys!@
The end of the year is creeping up, and I think you know what that means...haha, yup, the hell-dreaded exams! I (thank the Lord) finished all my projects, but the exams are next week, and then guess what...summer! Free! Haha, and next year, eighth grade...yeah baby. I love our class's new motto..."2003: We're finally free!".
But that's that. Hope I didn't forget anything imparticular =)


Three whole days to do whatever I want! Every night studying, but still! OK, I added a few to the New dolls page. Now it is the newest seven dolls I've made instead of five, because of lucky seven, but great I need more! Isn't that just my luck?
Oh! Oh! Do you care? I don't know, but I have to tell you this. I finally, after long hours in front of the computer screen, and in truth, after about a year, I have completed (aka finished) my book! Haha, happy!!! I need to party about it, but it is 70 pages long, so guess what? I can't print the dang thing out. But I am still happy! I need to celebrate somehow...
Well, getting to the point...(lol), I've started a new story =) I was reading "Just Ella" the other night (which is a so-so book), but my teached gave me an idea today. I don't know if this has been done, but I'm creating a more recent version. Like a current version. I'm only done with one chapter, but during school today I kind of layed it out =) So it's just a matter of time...but, joy oh joy, more hours staring at myself typing, my eyes nearly falling out with exhastion. It's was I like to do.


Yay! I got music up! It was some messed up problem with linking between computers and it would only work on the computer that the song was saved on. Anyways, I didn't know what song to put on...I was thinking of putting "Start the Commotion" on, but it took up a LOT of space and it's at a life concert, so it's kind of messed up. I was also thinking of putting "Complicated" on the site...e-mail me with your opinion.
Well, I need to start making dolls again. It's been awhile since I actually made a doll (and Tiger, Tiger doesn't count since I used another doll for it). I think the last on was the one of Mary, and I made that one a long time ago. I also have a few that I still need to upload plus I need to get my fantasy page up. So I still have lots of chores to do. Joy oh joy, I love doing chores.
I saw Star Wars II the other day...haha I am sooo glad that JarJar Binks was not a lead role in that...the funniest part is when Yoda is fighting with a lightsaber....he looks like a superball! LoL, anyways, there are lots of movies that are coming out that look really good...I really want to see Signs, The Sum of All Fears, and Men in Black II. A little off topic, but...
OK, back to the site...did you see the little spinning plaque on the Home page? Carl made it for me (which was so sweet of him) using the Tengwar Cursive (and Elf crusive) to write my full name. Yep, that's my full Caryn Rose Count Name. I also put my Elf name and a link to, which is where I worked out my name. It's under the Name Generator "All-in-One" or go to the top and click on the link that says "Discover Your Elven name". Either work. But (just so you know) I made the banner, so you won't find that anywhere on the site. If you really want one, you can e-mail me and tell me your name (or your Elven name, should I say) and I can make one for you. They aren't that hard, either, if you want to make it yourself. The font is "Kelt".
Well, I must depart (sadly) to study for my science exam...I didn't last night because I was watching "Enemy of the State". That's a really good movie, you know.


Now, I'm all confused again. The stupid music won't play on this computer. So I dunno.
Lots of updating. I adopted a doll from Mystic for my Doll of the Moment part, and I put my BondGirl on the new dollz page. I still have to put Miss Hawaii someplace else. I also put more links onto my Linkz page...slowly but surely building a link wall. Let's see, what else did I do...I've been doing a lot of browsing in other doll sites lately, I've seen some pretty spiffy ones so far, but if you want me to see yours, e-mail me :) I love hearing from you guys.
I'm starting to work on dolls again (finally) and have some good ideas. FYI it might be awhile before I update again, unless I wake up in the middle of the noght, sweating because something on the site is not right or out of place =) You know how I am...
So, that's the updates. Three more days until my site's two month aniversary =) Yay!


The new layout worked not. Sorry folks.
I really liked the plan for the new layout, and if I could get it to look right, it would look great! But it decided to be a wench (as Kelsey would say) and the tables wouldn't work. Besides, it was too soon to change everything. Maybe later, guys, but not now.
I'm totally wiped of energy. Well, we all are. Summer is approaching, and we all are waiting for freedom. I can't wait to go down to Disneyworld again =) The best place. Speaking of, just as a heads up, I'll be gone for three or four weeks during June 'cause my family and I are driving down to Florida. Neato =)


Done with exams, and almost done with dang school. I'll be brief, since I promised to scoot off. Lots of updating. The little bouncing bunny on the first page was added, but I don't know whose it is, so if its yours, please tell me. I added two dolls to the new page, uploaded my fantasy page and put dolls on it, I put up a new base...some other dolls I'm almost done with, but I'll need some time. On Friday we're leaving for Florida! =)


Updating as usual. In a really bad crappy mood. Don't want to talk. Hating world right now. Thinking this site sucks. Wants to be left alone. Not good.

Later Today:
OK, I'm still feeling depressed right now, but I want to explain myself.
Sometimes I wonder...why keep the sight up? Nobody visits it. I'm talking to myself the whole time. And I can't even get the html codes right, so the layout is soooo friggin boring and flat. I had high expectations I guess, but figuring out codes and working in MS Paint while everyone else talks Photoshop. People say they design their own People say that they can People say that they did I'm an ignorant little girl, I guess, and even though I look at html help sites and study them, try the codes, they never work out. And when I e-mail some other person for help or to explain to me what to do, they never answer me. They never even send an e-mail saying sorry, that they can't help me. And sometimes that pisses me off. But then I think maybe they're busy. And I'm afraid to make a fool of myself, so I don't step up to the plate to do anything. I don't give awards, I don't hold contests...but why should I? I'm a little nobody anyways...
Maybe I am just an ignorant little girl, but I need to try harder. I need to kick my little butt into gear and slap myself into doing things I don't want to. 'Cause you know what? Nobody will care if I make a fool of myself. I'm a nobody, remember?
So I'll start entering contests. And I'll start doing things I usually don't do. Why? Because you have to work to be noticed. I've worked but obviously not hard enough.
Well, thanks for listening to my ravings. That's why I'm feeling depressed. And I'm tired.


Ugh, I've done a little crap but I'm in a really bad mood. It's the last day of our stupid school, so I should be happy right? No...I hated my stupid team for spirit day...none of my friends were on it and everyone else on it are the gay freaks in my class. The pool party was ok, but then my mom had to pick me up early because little angel Carl had to go to get his braces pull his teeth off (I wish they did). Then I had to go sing at this idiotic service, and the best part was rained out. And a few minutes ago Carl starts yelling at me because I won't get off so that he can get on and say goodbye. You don't kick someone off to get on and say goodbye. It's redundant. And my mom starts yelling at me for it since Carl kept calling me a beyotch forcefully, pretty much hinting to my mom that I should get in trouble. The little a$$! I hate his friggin guts.


Tomorrow we leave on our trip.
I've been doing more viewing of doll sites, and I've been working on my html, but I'm not getting very far. If you can help me, please e-mail me. I really need help, since I don't think I'm going to figure anything out anytime soon. This morning I was working with html on notepad and I actually got the tables to work. So I stick it onto my pages and guess what? It doesn't. So I go back to the drawing board. The LissaExplainsItAll site hasn't been helping me's good for beginners, but I need help in a little more depth, not just the html codes.
Added links, but nothing else. I'm really tired today and I don't think that I can concentrate. Anyway, I need to pack and get books for the drive from Cincinnati to Florida. Ooh, long drive and not fun.


Haha, I'm back.
Florida was OK...not our best vacation because it rained a lot of the time...our bad luck, huh? Well Disney World was was warm and sunny and what you would think is a Florida day. I got really tired, but it was fun none-the-less. The next best thing was when we got to swim with dolphins in a dolphin pen! That would've been awesome, but the weather was getting worse, and the dolphins were playing a cat-mouse game where they always were at the opposite end of the pen. The third best thing was our hotel on the seaside...we had an awesome view of the ocean, and we went swimming at the waviest part of the day. Haha, I had to leave a few times because I got the saltwater in my mouth and nose...not fun. The absolute worst part of the trip was (can you believe it?) snorkeling! I wanted so badly to do that, but that day was really crappy. It was raining and the waves were huge and you couldn't see 10 feet away from you. My dad and brother gave up almost instantly, so my mom and I went out to the reef. Reef? I didn't even see a reef! All I saw was grass and seaweed and occasionally a little peice of coral sticking up from the ground. And that was supposedly one of the best places to go snorkeling in the world!
Anyways, I'm going to try to add an Awards page today since I gave out my first award out last week to Nancy at Silver Lining Dolls. I love her page and she does really awesome dolls and bases. I'll give out my award once a month (just because I need some kind of limit). I also have two awards from Bronwyn for winning two of her doll contests...I'll put those up there too.
Well, that's all I have to say. Man, it's good to be back.


Haha victorious!
No updates lately? Well, I'll tell you why.
I was wandering aimlessly around at Celestial Dreams (good site...can you believe she's my age), and I stumbled upon those online test things. And let me tell you, I love doing those. So I take a few and stick the results in my awards section, and suddenly I know what? This is cool! So I go hunting for the code to do this...ugh, hourse pass and nothing comes up. Well, Carl walks by and starts watching over my shoulder. Soon enough he wants to know what I'm doing, so I tell him. And (I love you Carl) he reminds me that, "Hey, Caryn, you know you can get the codes for that page up in the Source?"
So I do that! And, wow, it was oh so simple after that. I studied the code for a while, finding similarities and how it all ties together, and then I start working.
One of the harder html things, let me tell you. It took me a whole day to figure out that code and get it to work. And it took me another half day making the banners and working with the variables. Then I had to find out how to get it to the page that you, sorry about no updates, but please check out the new Quiz page!

6-26-02: 3 more days...

Well, yeah, I'm tired because it's 10:23 at night, but anyways...
Haha! Lots of improvement lately. I haven't really been recording in my journal lately since when you want to get off you want to get off and the diary just seems like extra work. Anyways, I've been working with Paint Shop. I got the fairy wings to work on my Amy Brown dolls, yeah, I was happy. Well then I was trying to figure out how the friggin' silk dress is supposed to work (Xandorra's tut was starting to get confusing since I didn't know anything that she was referring to). Well, got it to work to, so I added it to my "Sharing Berries" doll, also inspired by Amy Brown. By the way (off topic here), isn't that dragon so cute? I'm very proud of that doll. Anyways, I was working on a banner on Paint Shop and I just happened to save it as a gif and it doesn't look half as bad as a jpg does. Oh, I was rejoiced. I've been working, ever since my beginning of the Glitter Gear days, how to get these dolls saved as gifs to look good. But I had limited time, so all I converted to gifs were the new dolls, the dolls on some of the more prominent pages, and my links. It'll take me forever to redo all these dolls, since I'm changing to copywrite mark too (more transparent so it isn't so ugly). I'm not going to redo the links section (because I don't have half the links anymore as bmps and it'll take too long to get them saved again). And topping that I'm still swaping e-mails with Nadia on background help and trying to work with those darned frames. Yeah, I'm kinda bogged down, so please be patient with me.
PS. Isn't the dragon sooooooo cute?

6-29-02: My Birthday!!!!!

Yeah, today I'm lucky 13!!!! Schweet, I'm not a stupid pre-teen anymore, and I'm going into the eigth grade. Yeah!
Well, I'll need to change some info on my page =) and I also need to do more uploading into gifs. Oh, I might take a break from that today...I might go to the mall or something with Rachel. Oh well...
Well, I'm happy, I'm so glad I'm not twelve anymore. It was such a boring age.


Haven't been writing in my diary. Bad Caryn. Very bad girl.
I've been working on my room, and I still need to put all my stuff back, so I'll be quick. Not much in the line of new things, but I have a new layout! Yay! PARTY!!!! I am estatic about the layout, because I finally got frames to work! Isn't the layout cool? I was going to do clouds and stuff, but then I started thinking up my room with the denim plan, and I thought that it would make a good layout for the site.
Carl free weekend. Weee! Happy! Haha, I don't have to put up with him standing over my shoulder saying "Caryn, get off of the computer..." Well, he isn't always annoying...he's helped me a lot with the site, but I need a break from his annoying raves.
The welcome mat is really ugly...I need to change that. But isn't the new layout cute?


For awhile, still haven't been writing in my diary. Not much going on...I made two new dolls...the one inspired by Jonathan Earl Bowser I gave as a thank-you gift to Nadia for helping me with the layout. My Tinie Sherrie Primmer Doll is entered in the Miss Tinie Australia 2002. Vote for her if you like her!
New page...blinkies! I've been bitten by the blinkie bug...yes it's highly contagious =)...and have been cursed into my new hobby. Haha, I'll be making lots of them while my downloaded Animation Shop 3 program is still valid. You can visit the page to see some other blinki-nators and to visit their own blinkie sites.
My eyes are hurting from being so long on the computer every day. You know, it would be much better if we got internet access on our laptop. That way I could work on the computer without my mom knowing. I could squeeze so much more time on it.


Spent the night and a day at Michelle's. Got high off caffine. LoL!
I am boaring into my eyes right now, gaping at the computer screen, and I can't even rip my eyes from the light for two seconds to look at the keyboard. So I appologize for spelling...Haha, I had fun at Michelle's. We watched four movies (:: winks :: uh...MIB, Center Stage, While You Were Sleeping, and the Truman Show), drank lots of pop, ate, roasted marchmellows, went swimming, played air hockey, became bored, and took their dogs for a walk. But poor Michelle...I was talking to her while we were bored (ok, and listening to music) and she is deprived! Haha, she's never seen any of the Mummy's, or The Matrix, and refuses to watch Lord of the Rings! She thinks its, yet she loved Gladiator (well, as do I). So being as obsessed with LOTR as I am (:: grins ::) I vowed to drag her and tie her down to make her watch that movie. After all, what are friends for (lol, jk, but I am going to get her to watch that movie).
Sigh. Animating. Working. Tired. Blinding. Many symptoms telling you that you're time limit on the computer has expired, and that if I'm not careful, the Maternal Police will come down and administer a ticket. Well, maybe I'll go to court (haha, what court?) but I will still be branded from setting butt near this computer for some time. So. That's what might happen. So...must.....not......get.....caught....
Now you see the results of myself being caffinated. I hope that my...uh...caffinated state (lol) has amused you...'cause you're not going to hear lots of it. :: grins ::


Oh, man, just got back from soccer, and am tired as hell. Ugh, we run a mile every practice, and today was our first practice...haven't run in awhile...I think my legs are about to collapse under me.
Not much in the way of updating...I'm promoting though...I've joined a few cliques...and I need to give out this months award! LoL, I've been procrastinating it! Haha, so I'll probably do that today too.
Too tired to add anything else.
P.S. Uh! How rude of me, I almost forgot!!!! Happy birthday Rachel! Oh no, she's sweet sixteen...driving age. Aaaah! LoL.


Been at camp all week, learning how to be a Girl Scout PA. I am tired as hell though...every morning I get up at 6:30...oh, it's like school in the summer. I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open right now, and it's only 8:30. I'm pathetic. Anyways, we hang around with little kids all day, like camp counsulers. My camp name is's so funny to have the kids guess your real name. ::grins:: they almost guessed mine though, since I wore my school backpack with my name on it. I made up some BS story about how I borrowed my sister Caryn's backpack. Haha, they believed me too!
I've not been on lately. Well I've been on the messageboards at DCS Cafe lots lately, and I've been writing my new story...maybe I'll put it on here. I don't know. It's a present day Sleeping Beauty...have it all planned out in this little head of mine. Hehe. Aside from that, the other day I pulled out half of my Disney movies and watched them...I needed a good laugh, and I also needed to take in the story of Sleeping Beauty. Oh, those movies are so pathetic it's funny!
I'll not be updating much. Lots of camp, Merango Caves, and we're going to see my Uncle Boomie (don't ask about the name). So I'm pretty booked...besides, I'm tired, and I want free time for the rest of my summer.
Noooooo!!!! Seeing school supplies ads in the paper. I could cry!


Agh! So much to do! I found a bunch of really cute bases today and now I have to make dolls with them! And I've been tabling up my dolls so they look excuse the mess...=) So much to do, so little time. I'm also waiting for a few e-mails, I need to go shopping, and next week I have another camp! Ah!!!!!
Today is one of my last weeks of summer...I'm going to two more week camps, plus one week we're going to Missouri to visit my Uncle (:: curses under her breath ::) I don't want to go, but mom keeps pushing under me the fact that she hasn't gotten to see his new house, and I'm not going to stop her from visiting her brother. :: grumbles :: Wish they could leave me here...
On a happier note, tomorrow is my, what, my four month aniversary. Never thought I'd get as far as four months, now did you? =) I want to do something for it...maybe new dolls? Haha, I don't know, I'll think of something. I'll throw a party, there! No, LoL. Oh, I'll think of something.
Ah, tired. Tomorrow I get to see the Reds loose...pity me. Made Gin a's in the Sister Site's section, and the new section. Well, goodnight!

(P.S. That says "Dark, Tired, Gah! *Night! Caryn")


GAH! I missed my aniversary again. Well, I was at Kings Island with Michelle, waiting in line to ride about a million rides, so that explains why. Not much to say, 'cause it's two thirty and I've yet to eat lunch (haha!) Had a doctor's appointment this morning (blah) and got a hepititus shot. Other then that...
I've been thinking about doing a contest, just maybe to boost my publicity and because ever since I started I've wanted to do a contest. Hmm...:: thinks carefully ::. Haha, well if I do do one, you peoples will be the first to know =)


Ugh! My computer is crapping up. Stuff won't show on the pages, and I can't figure out what the hell is wrong with this stupid thing! :: Hits the computer :: GRRRRR!!!!
Sorry about the lack of updates. Been at dumb horse camp all week.


I don't want to go to soccer to run a mile...:: sigh ::. I'll update while I can...not much to do, but still...I'm going to make a new doll. Thought up a good idea for two, but, well...also added another link button for my site.
NOOOO!!! It's the end of summer, the most dreaded time of the year. I'm going back this Tuesday, and, well, I'm warning you, updates will be seldom. Eighth grade year is not a laid back year, I know (scared), but I'll try to keep it up. Just don't expect much.
Done for now. I'll be back later.

(Fun with me, darkness, and a bright light. I look almost angelic :: snickers ::)


Voting has begun for my contest! Yipee!
Sorry for lack of posts. School...enough said.
Thinking about putting my story "Are You Sleeping" up on the internet. Tell you if I do.
Agh! I have to go walk now! Sorry, folks, see you later.

(Doodle from my Latin notebook. Little Mirkwood Elf, Aldaina, she's pretty. I love her!)


MY DEAR GOD! How long has it been since I have explored the distant lands of my jjjoooouuuurrrnnnaaaaalll?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
LoL hasn't been recent, I can tell you that. Well, no news is good news, so I'll wallow you with my bad new and blah news...then you won't accuse me of it being bad. Well, I'm not making any sense, so let me talk ^_^
Desperately need a new layout, and when I feel that I have the time and the patience to make one, my river of insparation has apparently taken for a drought. So I will wait...and wait...and wait...I'd do a winter theme but...oh, the color scheme!!! -_*
I'm afraid I have recently been somewhat depressed and not feeling in the mood to talk. Sure, it's Christmas, and I'm going down to Texas, but...I just feel so pressured. And I am going to have so much work over the holidays! Are the teachers trying to kill us or something with their damn projects? We've had four in one frickin week, and while I've finished three, I have yet to do one, and I have extra credit. Besides, I still have quite a lot of shopping to do, and my mom is about killing me with "l'fraicais" that I'm about to tear up the book that the teacher lent us (luckily, so far, I have refrained). Thank the lord that our high school enterance exams are through.
There's the issues with my friends, as well. While I hang out with the same people every day, I get the impression that I really annoy them. When Grace and Michelle went to Walnut Hills, and Rachel and I grew apart, and Kelsey was "cliqued", I just lost it. I don't think I'm depressed about it, not yet, but I still feel incredibely down. It's one thing when people just don't talk to you, it's another when people don't talk to you and they push you around. I swear, there are two girls in my class I would like to seriously hurt right about now...
So there's my long ranting. Sorry you had to listen to that. Enjoy you're holidays. P.S. TTT is out!!! :: is happy about that one thing :: I loved it!!! :: wants to see it again after one day ::


Happy New Year. Yay.
School's...better, maybe in some ways, but worse in others. Good news is cheery, so let us begin with that.
I've mostly been avoiding those people who I can't stand. Good solution, right? Well, not really, but it's a temporary thing. And I can't tell if I'm annoying people. Well, I know I do, but I mean to the point where they dislike me. I think I'm trying to hard to fit in into a place where I just can't be myself. Like here, I don't need to care about what people think...they'll never meet me...they won't hold it around my head for the next four years.
More goody news...well, kind of. For our Variety Show Kelsey, Kieran, and I (remember? State Fair? See "4-25-02") are MCs! Meaning we hold the show together...introduce acts, make little wisecracked jokes. I really wanted that job, sooo...that's good. But it means that we'll have to write the whole frickin thing, and that's a lot.
Now for my bad news, ranting, terrible, sickening, awful, depressing, worst news. It can be sumarized into one five letter word: EXAMS! Oh, how I hate them. Perhaps religion and...religion (ok literature too) aren't soooo bad, but...but...but MATH! And SCIENCE! And LATIN! I HATE math, got a 75% on my last exam...and it's geometry which I suck at and DO NOT understand. I'm starting to study a full week in advance. A WEEK! And science just scares me in general, cause it's chemistry, and chemistry...well, I don't get formula's. And latin wouldn't be bad (cause I get 80 extra credit points and my quarter average is 100%) if it wasn't a THREE DAY TRIAL!!! Three days of sitting in the crappiest class in the world, three days of extra worrying, three days of torture. Why we even have exams? Why not a continous slew of quizes? Or tests even! But cramming it into an exam when you only have one period to complete about four pages...I seriously wish exams would just screw too...:: thinks about exams and bursts into a million tears of discontent ::


New layout, did ya notice? Still can't see the reseblence of that mysterious girl to me...sadly that girl is me, but actually the real sad thing is that I don't look that way all the time.
I'm done with math(92%), science(dunno, but I think I did well), and latin(well, it's kind of hard not to do well with 80 extra points). Tomorrow is dreaded literature, with so many war dates and persons and terms and quotes and blab blab blab it's not funny. Oh well, I'll try to bite the bullet and see if I'll yank myself through.
OK, maybe I've been too influenced by the famous Anne Frank, but I have a bit of griping to do. And I am perfectly aware that everything I am about to write below is hypocritcal and contridictory to myself, but I am going to speak my mind anyways.
Two things I can't stand: when people complain about surrendering the littlest things for a certain cause. We are so fortunate, and yet when the suggestion of sacraficing a small thing we find "essential" we immediatly moan and etc...


I am sooooo feeling sick :: dies ::
Oooh boy, I've been frying my brain on the computer lately, but thats ok! I like the computer, and its one of the few things that like me, so its all gravy.
Yes, I know I make no sense, but hey, I dun have to act my age, now do I?


LoL I have not written in my journal in quite a looooooong time O___o But there's a latest time for everything. I've been going through and reading some of my old entries...was I ever that mad at Nativity? ~_^ I guess as I get closer to graduation and all I'm getting closer. Besides, the variety show kicked arse and now I feel alot closer to all of my classmates :: huggles them all ::
I'M GOING TO GO SEE GOOD CHARLOTTE AND NFG ON APRIL 16th!!!!!! :: dances :: I am soooo happy...I can't wait. We're driving up to the Harare arena in Dayton the day before Easter break!!! :: dances :: General seating...mosh pit...oh yeah XD
Ugh but I have two is science which isn't so terrible unless Ally doesn't play up her part in the project (the report)...I really need the papers three days before the project is due so I can make the display board and if I don't have them...:: shakes head and sighes :: I'm going to call Ally tomorrow. And then I have the Cincinnati project which is a HUGE project, and I haven't started it, but I'm going to be in Germany right before it's due, so I'll have noooo time to work on it. I really, in general, have maybe a month to do it in. And right now (over spring break) Kesley's in London, so I need to start researching...:: hides from ebul projects and cries ::
I guess that's it! XD