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How do you make those dolls?
I draw them using base-bodies provided by other sites. I use an assortment of programs…mostly MS Paint for the simple things, and then Paint Shop Pro and Adobe Photo Deluxe for more detailed and difficult things. For animating I use Animation Shop 3. They’re really enjoyable to make…anyone who has Paint and a creative mind and hand can make good ones!

Do you mind if I put your dolls on my site?
Of course not! I’d be honored if you did, providing you give the substantial credit and link back to my site. These dolls are for my enjoyment, as well as your enjoyment. When someone finds that people have taken their dolls and edited them or even taken the whole doll and claimed it as their own, that just takes all the enjoyment right out of it. If any of my dolls say “Please don’t adopt”, well, don’t adopt them. And if I find that someone has indeed taken one of my dolls I will ask them to take the doll of their site, and give them 96 hours (4 days) to remove the doll.

Can I direct link you?
No. Direct linking takes my bandwidth. The only thing I let you direct link on are my quiz banners, and that’s for both your and my convenience. Please don’t do it.

Do you do requests?
Usually, yes, I do. However I do get bogged down with work every once in awhile, so I can’t promise it to you. If I’m not busy and agree, please send me a complete description of yourself or whoever (I mean complete: hair, eyes, face, clothes, glasses, pierced ears or not.) A photograph would be the best! If I do tell you I’m busy, you can e-mail others who do this thing gladly, or if you have to have me do it, you can wait and e-mail me a few weeks later.

How do you make a website?
:: Sigh :: what a long answer! Well first thing you need to find a domain, or a host. There are many choices...Geocities, Envy.Nu, Angelfire, Fateback, etc. Some are free, some are not. I'm a cheap freak =) so I use free angelfire, free download copies, free everything! After that comes the long boring part. Learning HTML. There are also numerous sites for that, like and Yes, it's tedious, but when you start understanding it, you get used to it, and it works. I learned my HTML while acting as a shopkeeper at Neopets...there I learned mostly from LissaExplains. So that's a starter.
You have to be patient! Just like school...first you have to learn your ABCs, and then you can read novels and start writing them.

Nobody visits my site...
Well, not many people visit mine either =). All I can say to promote is to be heard! LoL, join contests, give out awards, write in guestbooks, join Top Sites list, tell all your friends, write e-mails with people to trade links, etc. It's a slow process, and I'm still in the middle of it (:: winks ::) but hopefully, eventually, you can get to know people.

Want to be sister sites with me?
Well, e-mail me politely, and I’ll definitely think about it...though usually I only buddy-site-up with people that I know and talk to a lot.

Can you give me the code for your website layout?
It took me a long time to get this layout, so for the full layout, no sorry. If you need html help with something I know, I can give you smaller codes (things like backgrounds, buttons, linking, and the quiz). If you go to View, Source, do not take my whole code. You may take a small piece of the code…but that’s the sneak way to do it. You can ask me nicely…I’m not that scary ^_^

Can I use one of your dolls in my layout?
I'd prefer you don't...well, if you really, really want to, I guess. Layouts should be your own creative showcases, and using someone else’s doll shows off their creativity. If you really want to though, e-mail me with you’re name, e-mail, and site url, and if I give you my written permission, you may use the doll as long as you give me sufficient credit. If I see my doll in your layout, and you do not have my permission, or I do not see any credit, I will ask you to remove my doll from your site.

Why is it that there are some times when you don’t update for a long time?
Well, geeze, I have a life. There’s school, homework, friends, family, plus the ever-enforced one or two-hour limit on the computer by the Maternal police. Once in a while my mind shuts down the creative side and I get tired of making dolls, so there’s no reason for updates. But I try to work on it as much as I can =)