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Which Animal Are You?

Which sense would you say is your strongest?
You've a keen ear.
Your nose.
Your vision.
Mmmm...definately taste.

What do you spend a lot of your time doing?
Hanging around with my buddies, bein' loved.
Mostly keeping to myself, doing whatever I feel like doing.
Eating whatever I get my hands on.
Having fun in general.

Are you easily tired?
Yeah...:: yawn...::
What's tired?

People describe you as...?
A realy cutie.
Happy all the time.

What do you look for in a guy/girl?
They have to be cute...even if their a little slow.
It always has to be about you...
Well...they have to be fun and have a sense of humor.
Has to be there when I need 'em, but they need to know when to quit.
Whatever is available.

What is your favorite color?
Banna yellow.
White, black, or gray.
Any dang color.
Ummm...why do you want to know?

At a party, what are you doing?
Having fun. What about you?
Getting lots of affection. From who? Who cares?
Eating the hosts food =)
Hanging around...mostly staying in one place with my friends.
Finding someone I know. If I don't, I stay alone in some darker corner.

What's your hair color?
Well...wait, why do you care?
I'm the biggest blonde you'll find! previous colors or my color right now?
Midnight black.
Some shade of brown...I can't exactly tell...

What did you think of this survey?
It was a total waste of time...just give me my results!
It was fun! Can't wait for my results!
It was ok at first...
You know what? I don't really know...