Big Dolls Pretty self explanitary eh?
P.S: Thanks to Elvish Hobbitette,The Raven's Nest (gone for the time being) and Silly Janine for the gorgeous bases!
This cutie's called Reuben... He's into bondage ;D heh heh
This is electra, she's like, my spokie for the new wave of Bloody_Banshee... She's smart, and she will not let you forget it :D
And this would be me, in mosh mode... and presently, so my hair colour's washed out (I'm semi blonde)
...Again me, 1502 style (notice the pink hair? It shows the time difference)
This isn't me... apart from on Tuesday evenings ;P lol. Kidding. This base was from one of my lovely sisters, Kay, who sadly is shutting down :'( It was going to be entered into her competition, but it closed before I had the chance to send it in... Well, It will stand as a monument for the really cool lassie Kay is, and as a reminder that she's gotta come back.. and soon :D
This doll was inspired by the "Halloween" episode of Buffy where she turned into the 'damsel in distress'... I liked the dress, and thought "hell, why not" This base was drawn pixel by pixel by moi :D
You may recognise this girly... Yay! She used to be my enter clicky thingy... I love using Silly Janine's bases (particularly this one) You will more than likely see more creatures aproaching from the house of Banshee with this base. :D
What did I tell you?! This is another Buffy Doll... I thought that the pose and the attitude suited her, so I tried it out... I'm happy with her! :D
more miriis! Yay!
heh.. I like kitties
*Requested, do not adopt!*
These dolls were created using other people's bases, credit has been given where it is due. If you would like to use some of my work, please do the same for me...Or will I be forced to send you a nasty virus? Will I?!