
Keep it real y'all! =P

~*~God has blessed me w' such wonderful friends!~*~

MaRk* <3!! *ThE pAgE i MaDe FoR mArK!*

BiLL* Where would I be without you?! You are without a doubt my best friend in the entire world. I honestly don't know what I would ever do without you, I'd probably be lost. You are always there for me, whenever I need you, wherever you are. I thank God every day of my life for sending you to me. You are a wonderful man! I can tell you anything without you judging me, and you will listen to all of my problems *and there are so many of them*. You may not always agree with what I do, but you don't push me aside when I do something wrong. Thank you for being my best friend, you know that I will always be here for you if you ever need me. There is no one and nothing that could ever take your place in my heart. I will always love you no matter where our lives take us! No matter who comes along in our lives, you will always be my bestest!! I just want you to know how special you really are to me. I love you Bill, always!

RhOnDa* You definately have the biggest mouth in the world, but you're still my bizatch! Always remember our trips to Tremont, *BuBBaGuMp*, when ya almost wrecked your car going around the Donaldson turn. And driving on 81 waving to the Truck Drivers *oh my*. When we were little banging pots and pans in the back of Ma Kettle's old car, sleeping out in the tent *picture this*, you stealing all the covers and me WALKING my ass all the way home at 2 a.m., and you throwing a brick at my back *or should I say the hoola-hoop*?! Driving out to Tremont to meet *u know who 'n u know who*. Our little road trip at midnight till about 3 a.m. trying to find M&M. *LOL* Our lovely vacation up to my apartment in WiLLiAmSpOrT.. Super*Bowl*Sunday.. the lap-dances, that was a great muthafuckin weekend. Playing cat 'n mouse w' the Valley boyz*oh what a night*! Sometimes you put me through hell, but in the end we were always there for each other. We have a lot of memories that I will never forget, and I don't think you will either.

KeNdRa* Mi hermana, or should I say my twin?! Wow, we've had some ups and downs over the past two years. Senior Week was the best, even though you got mad at me for throwing your sandal off the top balcony *I'm sorry*, and you wouldn't yell at the hotties with Marna and I. Work wasn't the same this summer, but I hope if we both go back next summer it will be better. Thanks for always listening to my problems. You know I'm always here to listen to yours. Luv ya sis!

MaNnA* Hey dork! Well I finally got my *u know what* back.. :) We def. have some quality movie watching going on! I miss ya since I'm back at school now! Stay outta trouble while I'm away, if ya can! You know I'm always here for ya 'n I'll always be ur bestest!! :)

ChArLiE* Girl, we've had too many ups and downs along the way, but we always find a way to work them out. No matter how many fights we have you will always be one of my great friends.. ALWAYS! LuvYa!

My GaNg* Tricia, Mando, Amanda, Chew, Heather, Taryn, Brando, Amo.. I prolly missed someone so if I did I'm sorry.. but anywho, I don't know how I would've made it through my senior year w'o you girls! I miss you all! One day we'll meet again!

My GuYs* Joshie*I miss you so so so very much! Why did you have to leave me?! :'( Just remember I will always love you!*, Tiny*I'm sorry I never got to your house!*, Jon R.*too much shit went down between us 'n I'm sorry that we stopped talking b'c of it all cuz I didn't get to say all I wanted to 'n now it's too late!*, Dumas*I don't even know where you are right now, but I hope you're getting all you want.. miss you!*

Tears are running down my cheeks while I write this stuff.. I haven't seen most of you since Graduation.. it's not like I always pictured it would be, that we would come home on weekends 'n still see each other. I can't say that I miss a lot of people from our class, but I do miss some of you's. I hope you all are reaching for your dreams 'n if you want them bad enough I know you all will succeed! ~Class of 2001!~

My UnDeRcLaSsMeN pEePeRz* Ashhole*a.a. meetings.. u def. need them after I seen ya on New Year's Eve!*, Byrdy*Catapilla*, Mark M.*u're a nice guy from what I can tell*, Mikey C.*mo mo miracle grow, I love ya kiddo*.. 'n all the rest of the underclassmen at W.V. that I associate w'!

WaZzZuP 2 my college peeps* Jen, Dave, Jon, Justin *Kayla, will u give me a massage?!*, JP, Mike, Willie, Dan, Chet, Ted, Heather *miss ya girl*, Bobby *u can do it put ur back into it!*, Dennis, Bill, Jay, Doug*u're great hun, I love ya.. don't ever forget that!!*, Rich, Emily, Melissa, 'n all the rest!

My HP BuDDiEs* Work def. wouldn't be the same w'o ya's!! Benny, Brookie, Meechel, Jason, Lizzi, Kendra, Chris, Kristi, Mary, Jess, 'n I know I forgot some, thanx for everything! Love ya's!

'N 2 my outta town peeps* Vicki *V.I., I miss ya sOoOo much girl, thanx for alwayz being there for me when I need ya.. LoVeYa!*, Mike Seibert *watch out for the deer! the name cRaSh def. fitz ya!*, Andy *u def. never stuck one of my tampons (non-used btw) in ur ear.. lol*, Rick Rick *lil dick, I'm sure I will see u again!*, 'n all the rest. Luv y'all *Kayla*

If your name doesn't appear above anywhere, I most likely can't stand ya, don't like ya, or just forgot ya*in which case I'm sorry*!

~Here are some cute quotes about friendship!~

*Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.*

*In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.*
-Martin Luther King Jr.

*The friendship that can cease has never been real.*
-Saint Jerome

*A true friend stabs you in the front.*
-Oscar Wilde

*If you judge people you have no time to love them.*
-Mother Teresa

| *WhO's ThAt GiRl?!* | | *HoMe* | | *LiKeS 'N DisLiKeS* |