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Table Of Greater Sabbats

Wiccan NameOther Name Northern HemisphereSouthern Hemisphere
SamhainHalloweenOctober 31stJune21-23
ImbolcCandelmasFebruary 2ndAugust1st
LammasLughnasadhAugust 1stFebruary 2nd


This tradition begins at the Wheel of the Year. A season of darkness where the viel between the worlds is thin. The God as gone into the underworld and the new God grows within the Goddess. This is when a small seeed is sparkling in the depths of Earth, Waiting to grow, this is truly when the New cycle begins. This is a time of assessment, making arrangments that will help the family get through the cold winter. In taditional villages weak animals were slaughtered because they would not survive the winters harsh cold.


At this time rituals can help us understand and see our weakness. By writting them on paper and burning them to cleanse the old. This is an introspective time, we echo the descent of the God into the Earth, where we assess ourselves and divide the traits that we no longer need.


Candelmas is a time of awakening, it is accompanied by a mass of candles lighting the way to creativity, as the Goddess after giving birth to a son, is emerging again. She is a young Maiden (virgin Queen), Her energy is is high, wild , free, untamed and new. This celebrates the end of darkness, and the affirmation of growth.


This ritual brings out the creativity in you, a creativity that can lead you to a newer freedom. This is a time of inspiration and initiation into a deeper sense of spirituality. Opening the Path to new experiences, with the willingness to learn new things.Purification can be a focus in this ritual for letting go of things like bad habits and those redundant aspects of our lives. Remeber purification of sin is not something we associate with witchcraft.


The God and Goddess has both reached maturity, and consumate thier love for each other. This highly creative, fragrantly sexual time is expressed through the many fertility symbols that characterize this festival such as bonfires, dancing around a maypole and jumping over the cauldron containing a fire.


New unions are created at this time, which may prove disruptive to our old life. As we commit ourselves in ritual to a certain path, the energies around us are realigned so that we can progress. The viel between the world is thin again and important work at beltane can be achieved. Contact can be made with the dead, but in wiccan belief this is not the same as summoning spirits to your bidding. The purpose of contact would be to give comfort or recieve wisdom from a dear parted friend or realitive.


This is a time of sacrifice when the God has used the last of his energy to bring a bountiful harvest. The Goddess nurtures his energies, and ensures us a golden harvest of fruits,grain,and vegetables will emerge from the earth. However a price has been paid for the bounty.


Here we observe the Gods death and the Earth's Harvest. It is a time for you to acknowledge your own sacrifice that you made through the year to assure yourself a good harvest. Wether it been through monetary gains, love or career advancements. It is a time to understand that how you have work and what you have sacraficed, will reflect on how bountiful your harvest will be at this time. If it is meager then you can learn from your mistakes and try again nest year. ritual at this time can help you rededicate your spiritual purpose.

Table Of Lesser Sabbats
Wiccan NameOther NameNorthern HemisphereSouthern Hemisphere
YuleMidwinter SolsticeDecember 21-23June 21-23
OstaraSpring EquinoxMarch 21-23September 21-23
LithaMidsummer SolsticeJune 21-23December 21-23
MabonAutumn EquinoxSeptember 21-23March 21-23


Other traditions start the wheel of the year at Yule, with the birth of the Goddess's son. In the Christian calendar Yule is known as Christmas. The Sun is at it's lowest point in the heavens. The birth of new hope and promises is celebrated at this time, because from this day onward the nights will again fall shorter and the days longer.


Rituals around Yule can focus on what your plans will be for the New Year. Almost in the spirit of New Years resolutions you may want to state some intentions. Wiccans say that what ever intentions you say must be kept. Remember it is one of the tenets of modern witchcraft that you must act according to your will. you may at this time recieve some insight to what path you may take into the New Year. This is seen by some as a gift from the God and Goddess. If you recieve such a present it would be appropriate to give back to the earth during the following year.


The first day of spring is a time of great energy and promise. This is a time when the Goddess is exploring and feeling her strength and beauty. However, she is not yet set on her path as mother of the God. The festival is equated with Easter in the Christian calendar. The same symbols such as painting eggs can be used in Ostara rituals.


With the increase of the suns energy the emphasis at Ostarais on fertility, in the sense of procreation and the increase in creative projects. The focus on growth and birth has been gathering momentum since Imbolc. This is a time for putting energy back into the earth with rituals featuring the planting of flowers, trees and herbs with a blessing that dedicates each planting to the Goddess in her aspect as maiden.


Litha represents a time of fulfillment. The Goddess is growing in her joy, filled with love and the expectation of a new child.The sun is at it's highest point in the heavens, however there is also change because once he has reached his fullo height, the God becomes intospective and to accept that his path leads gradually to darkness and death. His strength will wane echos in the season as the days become shorter.


Rituals at Litha can be potent with the viels between the worlds being at it's thinnest. If if you decided to celebrate this festival with any working of energies, particularly sexual energy, It would be a very good idea to do a grounding visualization, such as imagining your body as a tree, it's trunk your spine and it's roots your energy linking into the earth. Take stock and notice the fulfillment of some of your achievments, and feel how your life is corresponding to the wheel of the year.


Mabon is a time of primary harvest and for sorting what we will need for winter. it is a time of balance between light and dark, but the cycle looks toward the God's retreat into the underworld. AS the Goddess see's the harvest bieng drawn in, rituals can involve charging the seed for next years harvest. All the Sabbats have strong emphasis on balance between light and dark, the feminine and the masculine, and between life and death.


Rituals at this time again focus on giving thanks to the Lord and Lady for whatever was harvested and ritual preparations are made for the quiet time of winter ahead. Winter is a fallow time, and mabon rituals may help focus your mind on what study and resolutions you may need to follow in this quiet time. it is a time for guidance in using the time during winter wisley so that your energy reserves build to a peak that will power you through to the Midsummer Solstice. You may ask for guidance and developement of your inner self.
