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January 2, 2004


AJ Fics

Reminder: These stories are fiction. Many of them take place from the first person (or I) perspective. Some may have a few sceens inspired by actual events but nothing involving the Backstreet Boys. I have never met them. So please keep that in mind as you read on. Thank you.

Title: Bone Daddy
Author: Becca
Style: Vizzie
Rating: R for sexual situations and language.
Pairing: AJ/Other
Summary: There are rules for everything in life. Rules for driving, rules for eating, but rules for sex? Jessi Moran never questioned the rules, even when they came from her boyfriend, AJ about their sex life. Nothing could be worse than what she had experienced as a child from her brother.

Title: Fighting AJ
Style: Journal
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After winning a contest through MTV, I get to spend a week with the Backstreet Boys as they prepare to "do battle" with 'NSYNC. The week long experience is made even more exciting with the information that I get to learn all the Boys' dances. The only probelm with this is that AJ is a slave driver, pushing me for perfection. Could he be concerned that I don't have what it takes or is there an underlying motive?

Title: Girlfriend
Author: Becca
Style: General
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Having known AJ for several months as pen pals, he finally asks me out on a date. We date for several months without much coming of it. Is he ever gonna ask me to be his girlfriend? One could understand why not. I would be stepping into his spotlight as his girlfriend. But everything is up to him.

Title: Milady
Author: Becca
Style: Vizzie
Rating: NC-17 for graphic sexual situations.
Pairing: AJ/Other
Summary: I am in control here and AJ knows it. He also knows that he can't let anyone know about it. He wants to keep his ego as unbruised as possible. One minor slip up is going to cost him dearly.

Title: One Night Only
Author: Becca
Style: Vizzie
Rating: R for sexual situations and language.
Pairing: AJ/Other
Summary: Meeting Backstreet Boy AJ McLean in Victoria's Secret was definitely a shock, but getting to see him in their "one night only" concert in town was an even larger shock. But I was in no way prepared for what was to follow. Thankfully it was just for one night.

Title: Untitled
Author: Becca
Style: Vizzie
Rating: R for sexual situations and language.
Pairing: AJ/Other
Summary: It all started with an innocent kiss. Upon meeting AJ McLean right before my brother's high school graduation, I thought I'd never see him again. Then I get invited to Brian's wedding. That's when we decided to make whatever we had official. Then I find out AJ's secret. It's a secret that tears me apart and forces me to leave him. But AJ is determined to win me back. Will he be able to after the pain he has put me through?

Title: Yes I Will
Author: Becca
Style: General
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: AJ/Other
Summary: AJ meets a deaf girl in Orlando who has no clue who he is and falls madly in love with her. The press has no idea he is even dating because she doesn't go out much. She can't stand being in large crowds. Will dating a celebrity tear them apart or bring them closer together?

Backstreet Fiction