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Januray 2, 2004


Brian Fics

Reminder: These stories are fiction. Many of them take place from the first person (or I) perspective. Some may have a few sceens inspired by actual events but nothing involving the Backstreet Boys. I have never met them. So please keep that in mind as you read on. Thank you.

~*Novels and Novelettes*~

Title: The Baby Girl Series
Author: Becca
Style: General/10 parts
Rating: PG overall
Summary: It all started with a Christmas card. Meeting Brian was a dream come true. Getting to be in a video with him was the last thing expected. The fact that he and his long term girlfriend broke up was a complete shock. But more shocks are instore, not only for myself, but also for Brian.

Title: I'll Never Break Your Heart

Author: Becca
Style: General
Rating: PG
Summary: By a sheer coincidence, I get a hold of Brian at my telemarketing job. After not believing it's him, he sets out to prove it to me by showing up on my college campus. His attempts to date me fail, for I am too latched onto the past to think about falling in love. I finally let go of the past just enough to be Brian's girlfriend when the past rears it's ugly head. Dating a celebrity has put me in a vulnerable spot. An ex-boyfriend begins stalking me, attempting to tear Brian and I apart.

Title: Lil' B-Rok
Author: Becca
Style: General
Rating: PG
Summary: Being Brian Littrell's best friend in school was such fun, especially when your names are spelled very similar. I never thought I'd be reunited with my childhood buddy, but there I was, seeing him again in the hospital. My own pain from a car accident leads me to pain killer addiction. Can Brian's love convince me that I am addicted to morphine?

~*Rated R/NC-17 Fic*~

Title: Brian's Scar
Author: Beccak
Style: Vizzie
Rating: NC-17 for graphic sexual situations.
Pairing: Brian/Other
Summary: Since his surgery, Brian won't take off his shirt. He's afraid that people will think he's ugly. One night, I manage to get his shirt off and make him look at himself. Will he see what I see or will he hate me for it?

Title: Guilty Pleasure
Author: Becca
Style: Vizzie
Rating: R for sexual situations and language.
Pairing: Nick/Other
Summary: Nick askes Brian to help in his little tryst with his girlfriend. In helping, Brian needs some help of his own. Nick's girlfriend, Carlie offers her services, but will Brian take her up on it and ruin his marriage with his wife, Leighanne?

Title: Home Game Jitters
Author: Becca
Style: Vizzie
Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations
Pairing: Brian/Other
Summary: Being a cheerleader at the University of Kentucky, I didn't usually get jitters, but the night before my last home game left me breathless to say the least. How often do you get to meet the hometown hero at night in the gym by yourself?

Title: Strip Basketball
Author: Becca
Style: Vizzie
Rating: NC-17 for graphic sexual situations
Pairing: Brian/Other
Summary: Unable to sleep one night, I head down to my local gym to go shoot some hoops, hoping to wear myself out. Finding a young man there before me shooting around takes me completely by surprise. His idea is intriguing: strip basketball. Is it going to lead to something more?

~*Brian Death Fic*~

Title: A Twist of Fate
Author: Becca Williams
Style: Death Fic
Rating: PG
Summary: Brian Littrell dies. Fans are in shock. Becca Williams drives to Lexington, Kentucky to see the funeral and meets up with her online friend Becca Carlson. After the burial, the women are invited out with the remaining Backstreet Boys and over to the Littrell's house. To read more of her stories visit her homepage.

Title: The Hat
Author: Becca
Style: Death Fic
Rating: PG
Summary: The companion to "My Twentieth Birthday." In "A Twist of Fate." Becca made a point about this particular hat. After I finished my story, I felt something was missing about the hat. So, here is what was missing.

Title: It's Okay to Cry
Author: Becca
Style: Death Fic
Rating: PG
Summary: After Brian Littrell died of a heart attack, the remaining Backstreet Boys commissioned me to sing at his memorial service. Up until this point I hadn't cried a tear over his death. It had been three months. That night, as we honor him in the last song the Boys recorded with producer Denniz Pop, everyone is wondering if I will finally cave.

Title: The Meaning of Being Lonely
Author: Becca
Style: Death Fic/Song Fic
Rating: PG
Summary: Brian Littrell had to go back in for more surgery on his heart. He died on the table. Six months later, at the Grammys, his friends and bandmates want me to sing with them. I live nextdoor to the Littrells and have since I was little. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, never having gone on stage without Brian.

Title: My Twentieth Birthday
Author: Becca
Style: Death Fic
Rating: PG
Summary: This is my side of Becca Williams' story. Upon hearing of Brian Littrell's death and upcoming funeral, I fly off to Lexington. I meet my friend Becca Williams there. The funeral is on my twentieth birthday. Afterwards, the remaining Backstreet Boys strike up a friendship with me. When I get home from the funeral, I find a letter from Brian. It tells of tape he had made putting my poem, Miracle to music.

~*Short Stories*~

Title: Angel
Author: Becca
Style: General
Rating: G
Summary: After stuffing tons of envelopes and sending countless letters to every talkshow host in the country, I finally get to be on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Once there, I get to talk to my angel, Brian Littrell. But then the signal dies and there's nothing but his voice.

Title: The Eighth Deadly Sin: Dating a Backstreet Boy
Author: Becca
Style: Interview
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Brian/Other
Summary: To most people there are only seven deadly sins, but Becca Luttrell has committed the eighth: she's dating a Backstreet Boy. She's dating Brian Littrell to be exact. Over the course of the interview, the couple reveals their feelings for each other and their concern over the opinion of the fans. Brian even makes a startling statement that catches everyone off guard.

Title: I'll Think of a Reason Later
Author: Becca
Style: Song Fic
Rating: G
Pairing: Brian/Leighanne
Summary: This is based on the song "I'll Think of a Reason Later" by Lee Ann Womack.
Disclaimer: I do not think of Leighanne in this way. I meant to write this a long time ago back when I WAS jealous, but I just now found the song!

Title: Return
Author: Becca
Style: General
Rating: G
Summary: Upon returning home from work one night, I find two little Chihuahua's tied to my door knob. Taking the dogs inside my apartment, I call the owner letting him know that his dogs are fine, only to find out that the dogs belong to Brian Littrell.

Title: That's What She Signed
Author: Becca
Style: General
Rating: G
Summary: In my first semester of American Sign Languge, I had to learn a song to sign. In doing this, I get in touch with Brian Littrell and try to convince him to come sing "That's What She Said" while I sign it. Will he show?

Backstreet Fiction