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January 2, 2004


Howie Fics

Reminder: These stories are fiction. Many of them take place from the first person (or I) perspective. Some may have a few sceens inspired by actual events but nothing involving the Backstreet Boys. I have never met them. So please keep that in mind as you read on. Thank you.


Title: Three Inches of Water

Author: Becca
Style: Vizzie
Rating: R for sexual situations.
Summary: After a long hard day shooting "All I Have to Give," Howie nabs his girlfriend, Jen before she leaves. They'd just finished filming the pool scene in the video that day and Howie is still damp and dripping. Once everyone is gone, Howie leads Jen back to the pool which still has three inches of water left in it. Howie's got a plan, as long as no one comes looking for him.

Backstreet Fiction