
FANFIC: Unless otherwise stated, all the fanfic is mine. I’d appreciate it if you would respect that right. If you wish to host my fanfic, there are ways of getting in touch with me. Use them.

BACKSTREET BOYS: I don’t know them. Never met them. I’d really like not to be sued by them, their management, their record labels or their writers. I mean no harm.

KRYStAL: I don’t know her. I’ve met her a couple of times. I’ve even talked to her on the phone. But I didn’t ask for her permission to do what I’m doing. I don’t know how she feels about the slash stuff, but if she tells me at some point to take it down, I will. I don’t know her manager, her record label or her family. I would really like to keep what few dollars I have.

BURGER KING: Yes, I work for them. But this still doesn’t give me the legal right to use their logo, but hey, they can take it out of my paycheck! (Please don’t!)

LYRICS: I try my best to include songwriters when I post songs on here. Just wanna give credit where credit is due. If by chance, there is no songwriter listed, that means that I don’t know who wrote it, yet. I will try my hardest to find out.
