KZAP Star 96.7FM
Chico, California
Wednesday, August 1, 2001


GEORGE: Good morning. I'm George Matthews. Dori McKay is here as well. It's 6:41 on the Star Morning Show. We'll have some birth news in a second.

DORI: Okay.

GEORGE: First off, I've gotta go to the phone.

DORI: It's not me is it?

GEORGE: See, I've been gone for five days, so I know, uh, Backstreet Becca's just been like...[pause] just didn't know what to do with herself.

DORI: Chomping at the bit.

GEORGE: She couldn't call me in the morning, so of course my first morning back, right away she's on the phone.

DORI: Ah, because there's news.

GEORGE: Because there is news. Good morning Backstreet Becca, how are ya?

BECCA: Good mornin' George. I'm okay.

GEORGE: Alright. There's news. What's the news?

BECCA: Um...

GEORGE: Wait, is AJ still in rehab?

BECCA: Yes he is.

GEORGE: Alright. How's he doin'?

BECCA: Uh, as far as I know, pretty well. But I think he's likin' it a little too much.

GEORGE: You think he's liking it in rehab?

BECCA: Yeah.

GEORGE: Hm...Alright. Why do you say that?

BECCA: They've, uh, postponed their tour for another two and a half weeks.

GEORGE: You don't usually stay in rehab longer 'cause you like it, Becca.

BECCA: Well, I dunno.

[DORI laughing in background.]

GEORGE: It usually means that your problem...

BECCA: Well he, quote, extended his stay so...

GEORGE: Extended his stay...Hey, ya know the bed's real comfy here!

BECCA: Food!

DORI: Yeah, I think, I think he could afford a nicer place, if, if he was just looking for some vacation time.

GEORGE: For some vacation time, yes. Alright, so they've postponed the, uh, California shows.


GEORGE: Which were originally scheduled for, I think it was the second week in August.

BECCA: Yeah, the twelfth through whatever.

GEORGE: Okay, but they're moving them to where?

BECCA: Uh, October!

GEORGE: To October. All the way to Octob...Uh, we'll have to wait all the way to October to get our Backstreet Boys fix. [hits table]


[GEORGE sighs.]

DORI: Will you survive Becca?

BECCA: I'll live.

[GEORGE laughs.]

BECCA: I'll live. I'm not going to be comfortable, but I'll live.

GEORGE: Now are they post...They were originally only gonna postpone their shows up till what, like August fourth?

BECCA: Seventh or something, I dunno.

GEORGE: So, but they're gonna postpone more?

BECCA: Yeah, they're gonna postpone up till the twenty-fourth.

GEORGE: Okay, alright, so another three weeks for AJ.


DORI: Well thirty days is not long to ditch some big habits.

GEORGE: Well, ya...da...ta...Well, actually, you know what it is, he's probably gonna get out of rehab soon, but see then you have retrain 'cause they have a very physical show...


GEORGE: the Backstreet Boys. So when he gets out of rehab, he'll have to, they'll have to practice again, some more. He'll have to learn how to sing all over aga...I'm sorry, learn how to sing the first time. And also...[laughing]

DORI: Ooooh...

BECCA: Hey, I don't, I don't doubt ya there George.

GEORGE: Hey, ya know, he's gotta get back into that groupie thing. It takes time.

[DORI laughing in the background.]

BECCA: Yeah, he's been enjoying it without the fans right now, ya know. They haven't been chasing him.

[GEORGE laughing.]

DORI: He has to ease himself back into the debauchery.

GEORGE: Ah, I see, and having one of their fans on the phone we understand why! [clears throat]

BECCA: Um hm.

GEORGE: Just kidding, Becca.

BECCA: That's okay.

GEORGE: You know we love you.

BECCA: I know.

GEORGE: Alright, well thanks for the information.

BECCA: Ah, you're welcome George.

GEORGE: Okay. Have a good day.

BECCA: Alright.

GEORGE: 6:43 on the Star Morning Show.

DORI: Our Backstreet update.

GEORGE: We have to, we have to know what the Backstreet Boys are up to.

DORI: Alright.

GEORGE: The Rebel is still in rehab.

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