March 16, 2001
Black and Blue Gift Bag

According to the BOYS, the best way to get them gifts is to give it to security. Well, Jen and I wanted to give them stuff. So we racked our brains and finally decided what we were going to give them. So last night, I'm on the phone with Jen going over what I had gotten them at Wal-Mart, and I tell her we need a bag! She says I've got one in my closet. (She organized my apartment when she was here on the 5th to go to Sactown.) So I look, and low and behold, there's a Raley's/Bel Aire bag. Well, I don't want the guys to see the stuff on the brown paper bag, so I whip out my folder full of construction paper. I'm in luck. I have two pieces of black and two pieces of blue paper. I bring the album over close and start measuring. Again, I get lucky. The extra strips I'd cut off to cover the front of the bag also covered the sides! So I decorate the bag like the album and call Jen. I'm making the tag that says who it's to and I'd like to tell the guys where we're sitting. I get our seat numbers and write them on the tag. I then remember one thing I had forgotten. I decided I would take care of it on my way home from school. So here is a copy of the letter that explains what and why we got each of them what we did.

Dear Backstreet Boys:

Hi! We are two fans from northern California. We are NorCal's own Frick and Frack! We are Jennifer and Rebecca. Hopefully you receive this package. There is stuff for all of you in it!

First and foremost: the straws and Q-tips. The Q-tips are to replace those you guys used to decide who was going to be in the hotseat on "Millionaire." The straws are for the next time that you guys need to decide something like that! They're even flexie-straws!

Now, the Kraft Cheese & Macaroni is for BRIAN. You have our permission to throw it at him literally!

The card that has BRIAN's picture on it is also for him. (Duh!) Also the envelope with his name on it is for him as well!

The purple envelope is for NICK, like it says. It's a birthday card!

The envelope that has KEVIN's name on it is for him.

The gummy bears are for HOWIE! This is for wiping your eyes EVERY TIME you looked in our direction on Monday, March 5, 2001 at ARCO ARENA in SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA during HOW DID I FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU.

The five McDonalds dollars are for AJ. Have a Quarter Pounder with Cheese on us now that you can stop eating Burger King! (Ha!)

Enclosed with this letter you will find two things. A piece of paper that is addressed to you. It contains every song we could find that you guys ever did somewhere in it. The phrase "you are" is in Italics because when we wrote it, we wanted to hear it! (Thank you BRIAN!) The second thing is a review of the March 5, 2001 concert at ARCO ARENA in SACRAMENTO! We are two very critical and honest fans. We are going to tell you the truth. And the truth is: there is room for improvement!

So, if you would like to email us, here are our email addresses:

A note about the video that's played in the background during the concert for "THE ANSWER TO OUR LIFE." Jennifer is pissed at you! We know you intended to say that clear-cutting forests is bad, but must you use general logging footage to show this? Jennifer's parents are loggers, but not clear-cutters! So we are upset with this. For a more in-depth concert review, please refer to the other page.

Thank you so much for all you have done for us.

Your two biggest fans,

Rebecca & Jennifer

PS: Jen's favorite is HOWIE; Rebecca's favorites are BRIAN and AJ!

We also included a Burger King crown with their pictures on it and a purple index card for HOWIE. It said, "You are our" and then had a Taco Bell FIRE sauce packet taped to it. The McDonalds gift certificates took me twenty-five minutes to get! I left my house at nine to go to the bank and get five dollars from my account to buy them. I then had to wait at the Mickey Dees (which happens to be right next door to my bank) for twenty minutes while someone went back into the back and looked for them. I didn't even get a nice McDonalds envelope for them either! Oh well.
