March 18, 2001
Smart Gal

So we're sitting next to these two ten-year-old girls, K and O. They are so excited. It's their first concert. They'd come down all the way from Carlsbad (we still had them beat on distance!) to see the BACKSTREET BOYS and here they were two rows off the floor! We told them that we had been there the night before and that the little mini stage in front of them is where the BOYS were going to be for three songs. They were all excited. Well, in their looking at the mini stage, they come across this brown haired man sitting next to a red headed woman. All of a sudden I get a tap on the shoulder. K says to me, "Do you watch Disney Channel?"

"Yes," I tell her.

"You know the show Smart Guy?"

"Uh huh?"

"Well, doesn't that guy down there look the guy from Smart Guy?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"I'm gonna go ask."

I chuckle to myself as she climbs down and leans over the railing. A few seconds later, she comes running back to me asking for paper and a pen. I willingly give it to her and she and her best friend go running down there to get his autograph. I laugh it off thinking, "Okay, it's probably some guy who looks like some guy and is humoring a couple of ten-year-olds." Then other people start to gather round. I begin to feel bad for this guy. Well, then K and O come back and they are sporting pieces of paper with the name JD scrawled on them. I look down and "JD" is kinda finishing up and he still has my pen! It then dawns on me that he wasn't a major character on Smart Guy so why would he fake it?

I looked him up in the Internet Movie Database. His name is JD WALSH. He played Mackey Nagel on the TV show Smart Guy. You may have also seen him in the show Dharma & Greg as Donald.

I didn't go and get his autograph because, well, he was just there to see the show. And he brought his girlfriend. I'm not going to bother people like that! But still. I was four rows from him! That little K, she's a smart girl.
