March 18, 2001
Police Escort: An Official Non-Concert Siting

Jen and I leave shortly after K and O and their family does and head out the door. We were right off the North Entrance with our seats tonight, which was nice because this way we didn't have to fight the crowds to get out. We headed straight for the door and walked right outside. There were fans gathered around the gates near the dressing room entrance screaming and waving signs. The two silver buses that everyone had said belonged to the BOYS were still there, so we just continued walking.

The exit gate was closed off to traffic because the loading gate was open. The trucks were going to be leaving at some point and they needed a way out. So the parking attendants were ushering all the fans out the side gate. No big deal, we just followed the small crowd. I looked around and thought to myself, "You know, this isn't ARCO. It's not in the middle of nowhere where the nearest hotel is five miles. They probably didn't take the big black buses and instead took something small." As the people in front of us stop and get in their little red pickup, I tell Jen, "You know, they probably didn't even take the buses. They probably took the vans." (They have white vans, according to all the reports I've read.)

"You're probably right," she told me. Now Jen and I talk like we know the guys and are always planning stories with them to where they are like our best friends. We are currently working on a story that takes some of these real experiences of the shows and mixes them with some fictional ones. So Jen said to me, "Wouldn't it be neat if those vans pulled up next to us?" We just laughed and continued critiquing the concert.

All of a sudden I hear police sirens behind me. I stop and turn around to find out who was caught jumping the fence or whatever. As I'm standing there I see two motorcycle officers drive by us. I start waving. (Hey it's ten-thirty at night and I'm way too hyper!) Then a white van drives by with a gray haired woman sitting in the front seat with the window rolled down. A teal Ford Escort or some type of little car then goes by as well as another pair of motorcycle cops. Then another white van drives by. And finally two more motorcycle cops. All through this I am waving like a mad woman. Jen is just standing beside me waving like she'd wave goodbye to her mom. After we were buzzed by the vans, Jen asked me, "Why were you waving?"

"Those were the BOYS!" I told her.

"They were?"

"YES! Who else would be coming from the arena with a police escort? It's the mayor right?"

Jen and I laugh at the irony of it all and head off to Jack in the Box to calm down before going back to the room. So now Jen feels dumb for waving like a sissy at the BACKSTREET BOYS and we have something to pass on to the children! We were across the street from the BACKSTREET BOYS!!!!!!!!

We were the only two fans on the street at that point and so if any of the BACKSTREET BOYS happened to be glancing out the window, they would have seen us! Now, we are mature fans and DIDN'T scream at them. But if it had been any other van, we would have yelled. (See Yelling Match.) We had yelled at every van, car and truck that had BSB music coming from it or pictures taped to the windows or anything BSB written on it, but when we see THE BOYS of course, we just stand there and wave!
