March 17, 2001
Meeting KRYStAL

So Jen and I were watching KRYStAL having a blast. When we went to Sacramento, Jen and Ashley just missed out on autographs. So this time as soon as KRYStAL opened her mouth to say where she was going to be, we took off running! We got there and stood in line. The girl in front of us (a teeny) was listening to us talk and praise KRYStAL. Well, Jen remarked that we had our tickets for her to sign because we didn't know what she was going to autograph. Well, the girl in front of us realized that she didn't have hers, thought it was a good idea and asked us to hold her spot, which we more than willingly agreed to do. While we're standing there, the big beefy bodyguard/security people come over. Here are the rules: No touching or hugging and if you have a camera you can take pictures of KRYStAL but not with her. Okay, wait a second. When I came in, didn't you guys like search me for cameras? Contradiction! Ha ha! I caught you! Anyway, so Jen and I get closer to KRYStAL and realize that she's signing pictures! Yeah! Well, I'm like three feet from her, I get tapped on the shoulder by a photographing fan. She asks me to have KRYStAL look up so they can get photos. So when the dark haired female incarnation of ELTON JOHN looks at me, I tell her oh so nicely, that everyone wants pictures. So she looks up, smiles for a minute and then I step in front of the photographing fans. I squat down tell her my name and then launch into the story of how I tried to see her in Sacramento but the club people said I was too old (See The End of KRYStAL). She then apologized for the staff "dogging me like that." Ah, sigh. At least someone understands. She is like my age, or close to it. I like KRYStAL, not just because she apologized, but because she's an amazing performer.

The autograph I got from the Supergirl, KRYStAL
