

AJ's ANGEL: my 13-year-old sister. She went with us to SACRAMENTO to see the BACKSTREET BOYS.

JEN: (AKA: HOWIE's CUTIE) She's my best friend and we write stories together. More like, she comes up with the ideas and I write them out.

JENN: My friend from high school. I can't believe we've know each other since I was sixteen.

JOEY: My current boyfriend. He had the same heart surgery as BRIAN did. (Kinda strange huh?) He's really cute and really sweet. And he's older than me! (Yeah!)


AJ: my sister's favorite BOY and I have to say he is one of my fav's too. Jen affectionately refers to him as "FREAK BOY" which is what he is. Could that be the reason why I'm so attracted to him?

BRIAN: in an effort to keep this brief, this is my favorite BSB, if I was forced to choose. He's married, but surprising to me, that doesn't bother me. He's still hella sexy!

HOWIE: JEN's favorite BSB. Mr. Latin, HOWIE D, SWEET D, our Latin Lover. Is there anything this BOY doesn't look good in? Oh yeah, straight hair!

KEVIN: married BACKSTREET BOY. Doesn't really play much of a role in the journal, but he's there from time to time.

KRYStAL: first artist signed to KBNHA, my current favorite singer in the world. Oh, did I mention I have a crush on her? Yeah, it's true, I do and we kinda look alike too.

NICK: current BACKSTREET flavor of the month. Damn this BOY is soooo fine live. And to think that he and I were born the same year only a couple months apart


ANDY: the helpless intern for GEORGE. I've met him a couple times. He's cool. And definitely has a radio voice. Poor ANDY. GEORGE has made him do some pretty weird things!

BRYAN: I used to work with him until he quit to join the Marines. I did manage to work with him long enough for him to seduce me.

GEORGE: the morning radio jock for STAR 96.7FM. He let's me bug him on occasion and sometimes he doesn't and I just show up!

KATHY: BRYAN's girlfriend and manager. She just got transferred. Up until then, we still worked together with her thinking it was all my fault and her hating me.


BRAD: the EX-BOYFRIEND! Long story short: we broke up because he couldn't handle the fact that I'm a sexual being. Oh yeah and the distance thing.

MARY: my ex-girlfriend. Yes I said GIRLFRIEND. So what? Is that a crime these days?

Going My Own Way