January 1, 2002
Year in Review

*SRC & BK*

I worked at the SRC for two years and quit just about at my two year anniversary. The reason I quit was because they used to work me anywhere between 18 and 24 hours a week. The pay was good then. Then all of a sudden, they had too many people, not enough work and kept cancelling my shifts. Not that I minded having a Saturday free now and then but when the pay checks came, they were tiny little things. So I quit, even though I was making nearly $10 an hour. I then took the summer to relax and collect myself. By the middle of September, I was nearly broke. So I started looking, really looking for a job. I found one at Burger King. So there was very little room for advancement, but hey, if they were willing to work me, I was willing to work. So I am now employed by Burger King.

*BSB x's 4*

This year, I saw the BSB four times. Once in Sacramento, twice in San Diego and once in Reno. Yes I would go anywhere for them, at least I would have. Thanks to seeing the BSB they introduced me to my new love, KRYStAL. I'm not saying the BSB are a bad show, they put on a very good show, but I can only take so much of being called a "teenie". I've about slugged an arena official over it. I've had ONE official siting of the BSB after the last show at San Diego. I saw their vans. Other than that we were *supposedly* 15 minutes or so behind them on I-80 coming back from Reno. We never caught them. Oh well. Maybe one of these days I'll get the chance to meet them.

*The Wave*

I have had two people wave at me in concert. The first was BRIAN of the BACKSTREET BOYS. Well, HOWIE & KEVIN waved too (this was on March 17), but they could have been waving at the whole group. JEN & I know that BRIAN waved at us. We were going nuts with both arms trying to get BRIAN to notice us when all of a sudden BRIAN starts waving with both arms just like us! He had seen us! I think I about fainted.

GARY of RASCAL FLATTS also waved at us. We saw them at a casino in Oroville. We were kinda towards the side and we had finally gotten tired of clapping, so we started waving. The next thing Jen and I know, GARY was waving. The women in front of us thought it was them he was waving at! HA! We know the truth.


I am now a huge KRYStAL fan. I am KRYStAL's number one fan. Reason being is that back in September of 2000, when the BACKSTREET BOYS were doing their FOR THE FANS campaign at BURGER KING, KRYStAL's song "MY RELIGION" was the bonus track on CDs 2 & 3. I went to every BURGER KING in my area looking for CD 2. When I saw her in concert, I fell for her! I couldn't wait for her album, "ME & MY PIANO" to come out in July. I actually tried to see her 8 times, but it didn't happen half of the time. I tried to see her in Sacramento at CLUB SOUND WAVE, but was told I was too old. I tried to see her again in Sacramento at a MONARCHS game in August, but my car was making noises. I tried to see her at SHORELINE on the RADIO DISNEY TOUR in October, but I couldn't find out how to get tickets. I was going to see her in CHULA VISTA at the final BSB show on the BLACK & BLUE WORLD TOUR, but they postponed it because they were performing with PAUL McCARTNEY at a benefit concert for NEW YORK.

When KRYStAL's album, "ME & MY PIANO" came out in July, it was the worst day of my life. I had been called by my DJ friend to talk about the postponement of the BLACK & BLUE WORLD TOUR. I then went out with my mom and bought the ablum for $6.99! It was then that I became so konfused about my life. I fell in love with KRYStAL. She was gorgeous. I liked her. It took me six months to figure out that I was bi-sexual. When I finally figured it out, it took all this weight off my shoulders. She so totally helped in figure out my life. Her song "MY RELIGION" has become my theme song. So far none of my friends have left me over this; my family still supports me. I don't believe I would have figured this out had it not been for KRYStAL. I thank her for all she has done for me.

My year has been a turbulent one, but all in all, I am a better and whole person going into the year 2002.

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