January 6, 2001
Crazy Night
How I Secured my Destiny

I had a teenie-freak-out moment yesterday in K-Mart of all places. My friend, Jen, and I were walking around in the seasonal section, which just happens to be Valentine's already and all of a sudden, Jen squeels and makes a bee-line for the Valentine's. As I sprinted after her, I glimpsed what had made her squeel: BSB Valentine's! So of course we bought them. They are the lastest pix of the guys, BLACK AND BLUE PROMO, and are stickers! WOOHOO!

Now, on to later that night. Jen and I got home and started planning one of our stories together when all of a sudden she askes me, "Are you going to come with me to Sacramento in March?"

"Why?" I asked.

It then dawned on me that she meant when the BOYS were in Sacramento. We stopped planning our story and started planning on where we would check out and where would stay. It then came to pass that neither one of us were certain as to when BSB would even be in town. So I hopped onto BACKSTREETBOYS.COM and found out.

Then for some strange reason, I jumped over to TICKETMASTER.COM and tried to get 2 tickets to the Sacramento shows. My search came up empty handed. I went back to the show list and stared at it for a minute. I then clicked on the very last show, March 18, 2001 in San Diego.

See, Jen and I have had this dream to go to a "CRAZY NIGHT CONCERT" (the last show of the tour) and to sit in the first row of the first balcony level.

Now, let me tell you what happened. I went thru the "look for tickets" thing and this is what came back:

Lower Level 23
Row 2
Seats 13 & 14

So, of course I bought them! Well, actually, Jen bought them. But now we just have to figure out how to get there. Fortunately for me, it's the first weekend of my spring break. For once, I'm actually going to be doing something fun for spring break! Oh yeah, did I mention that my favorite number is 13? Guess which seat I am sitting in?

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