January 19, 2002
Perfect Day

On this perfect day,
Nothing's standing in my way
On this perfect day
When nothing can go wrong
It's the perfect day
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon
I could stay forever as I am
On this perfect day
--"Perfect Day," Hoku

My day started off beautifully. (See Salt Lake Olympic Torch Relay 2002 for details on the first half of my day.) After that, I got home, took a bath and took a nap. After the events of that morning I needed it. In the car, I heard "DROWNING" all the way through just as I was coming from CA 149 to CA 99.

That night, I went to work just like any other night, this time wearing my wind jacket from the relay. Miss Jackie asked me when that was and I told them it was that morning. Throughout the night I told the crew the highlights of the day. By the end of the evening, we all were tired. I did find out that night though that I had a perfect drawer. (Perfect Drawer: Balanced evenly and no voids.) It was nice. It wasn't even my normal drawer number (I'm usually drawer number 5). So the day couldn't have been better. It truly was a perfect day.

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