January 29, 2001
2 Shows, 13 Days, 900 Miles

The Saturday before the Superbowl, the day before NICK's birthday, Jen and I were looking at Ticketmaster.com for tickets to the first San Diego show. Unfortunately, we found nothing. Just for the helluvit, we tried to find tickets to one of the Sacramento shows. For Sunday, March 4, we found nothing. For Monday however, we found not only two seats, but three! This means that I can take my twelve year old sister with me and Jen. Now, these seats are at the back of the arena. At first, this didn't bother me at all. I then received several reviews about the first night concert. Upon reading them, I grew very excited. For three songs, BSB sings them from a small stage at the back of the arena. The three songs they perform are: "I PROMISE YOU," "HOW DID I FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU," and "I'LL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART." Now, "I'LL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART" is my all time favorite song and the fact that I'm going to be within feet of them makes my heart quiver. And in reading the reviews of the concert, I began to realize how wonderful it was that BSB is coming to California at the end of the tour. By that point, all the criticism they have received, they will have fixed. One of the things that scared me was that the BOYS were having problems hitting the high notes. And here they were singing the National Anthem at the Superbowl. I was terrified that they may not sound good. I heaved a huge sigh when I heard them. Not only because they sounded good, but because they sounded good. Makes sense, right? Well, the sounded really, really, REALLY nice, but they also sounded good. There was really nothing wrong with their singing. They had HOWIE open, which was different but wonderful. HOWIE has that sweet voice that just makes me melt. So, now I'm not worried. If anything, it makes me more excited. Now, I have a question for NICK: How are you gonna top your twenty-first birthday? How are you gonna top singing at the Superbowl?

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