January 30, 2001
Backstreet Becca and the Blind Date Part I

For the past week, George of the Star Morning Show has been picking on his intern, Andy. As a reimbursment for all the hell he has put Andy through, George is trying to hook Andy up for Valentine's Day. Well, today, he and Dori were joking about taking resumes while they were out at a local coffe shop on Friday. Well, I got brave this morning. I called George and told him to hook me up! He told me to call back and when I did, I was on a conference call with Intern Andy. George asked me why I was known as BACKSTREET BECCA. My answer: Because I had BSB on my walls and they were the only men I would have for Valentine's Day! He got a kick out of it! So, there, on the air, Intern Andy and I were hooked up on a blind date. We're meeting between 7 and 9 am at the little coffee shop George is broadcasting from on Friday. The whole reason for that is because, I'm sure, George wants to put us on the air! So, I will keep you all posted on this thing. So you know, this is going against all my rules for DJs. The number one rule: NEVER MEET A DJ IN PERSON! Rule number two: NEVER DATE AN INTERN! *lol*

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