February 6, 2001
Backstreet Radar

It seems that every single time BSB is on TV, my parents just have to call! It's like they have this sixth sense or something. I just need to quit answering my phone when they are on the tube. Now my dad has been cool about it. He called during "The Rosie Show" when BSB was on there to ask me if I was watching. I didn't answer the phone so he left it on my machine. My mom on the other hand, well, she just has impecable timing. The first time she did this, she didn't know she did. It was St. Patrick's Day last year and I was on the phone with her. It was about 430 in the afternoon and I flipped over to Fox Family Channel to see my favorite kids show "Big Wolf On Campus" well, instead of that, I saw BSB! It was their "HOMECOMING: LIVE IN ORLANDO" show (edited of course). I was like the only person on the planet who hadn't see it so while I'm talking to my mom, I'm trying to shove a tape into the VCR and jump up and down for joy! Then she did it again, just the other day. BSB was on "The Today Show" and my mom could've called at any time over the two hours, but she just had to pick the time when the BOYS were performing "MORE THAN THAT". Go fig, huh?

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