February 8, 2002
Bye Bye George!

So I purposefully set my alarm an hour later last night because I stayed up until three watching two episodes of CSI that I had taped earlier in the day. So when I finally open my eyes and ears to the radio, I hear DORI talking about how this is GEORGE's last day. (GEORGE is the morning DJ I listen to.) Well, my brain isn't funcutioning right away and I think that he's maybe going on vacation or something. Then she says he's moving to Albuquerque, NM! Albuquerque?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Well the first thing that pops into my head is "the towels are oh so fluffy!" from the "Weird" Al song "Albuquerque." So I call GEORGE to tell him this. And basically to say that I had just told my friend yesterday that there was no way GEORGE was EVER gonna leave CALIFORNIA! So we yacked about that off the air and on the air I just exclaimed "ALBUQUERQUE?!?!?!" and told him that I hoped it was for the better. I also told him I didn't like change because well, first it was ANDY and now him and now what was I supposed to do???? Guess I'm gonna have to bug RYAN O'BRIAN who is going to be constantly babbling about BUZZSAW his son. GREAT! Just what I need, baby stories! Didn't I get enough of that with Kathy Lee on "Live"? Sorry RY, just had to say that! And I have no clue about the name BUZZSAW either, but I guess I'll find out! Here are the lyrics to "Albuquerque" (which I just learned how to spell!) Click here.

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