February 13, 2002

"Your sexualtiy is not a choice.
It chooses you.
The choice is in deciding how to live your life."

Someone once asked KRYStAL if she thought homosexuality was a choice and she said it was. It struck me as odd then and now it strikes me as even more odd. I never felt that I was "choosing" to fall for her, it just happened. How can it be my choice if I'm a lesbian if it just happened? The only thing I decided was to stop lying to myself. I decided to get everything out and finally be true, to myself and to everyone else.

For some reason, I found myself yelling that last paragraph in my head. I don't know why. Maybe it's because part of me whats to confront her and ask her what she meant. Maybe it's because she co-wrote the song "My Religion" about loving everyone no matter what and her I find out that she may not accept me because I've "chosen" to be bi-sexual.

There's nothing wrong with tradition
But tell me where it says not to follow our hearts
That's why so many of us are so konfused
And we'll never live up to your rules
My religion doesn't hate
It always understands
My religion won't kondemn
Always lends a healing hand
It's love
My religion's love
--"My Religion," KRYStAL harris

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