February 19, 2001
BSB-Free Weekend (Almost)

Well, this weekend I drove down to see my youngest sister in her first beauty pagent. This was something she wanted to do and so i wanted to be there. I got my friend Jen and we went on a road trip. We packed munchies, our sleeping bags and took off down the road. i drove the enter 250 odd miles down to my dad's place on half a tank of gas! The enter way down there, the only BSB we heard was our tapes. And we were flipping channels like mad, trying to find some.

On Sunday, Jen and I went to my sister's pagent. Her constestant number was 13 and as you know, my favorite number is 13! In the first round, the girls were in "casual wear" and we heard a little bit about what they liked to do. They then went off and came back in "formal wear" and were asked a question that they had somewhat prepared for. After all the girls had been asked the question, they went off and a while later came back. Special awards were handed out. These included "most photogenic" for each age group and "Miss Congeniality" for each age group. My sister got "Miss Congeniality" for her age! Then the top ten were announced. My sister was in it! The girls then went off and came back a short while later and picked a sealed question they had never heard before. My sister did really well, and apparently the judges thought so too. She took fourth runner up (5th place) in a group of 15!

So after the pagent and dinner, Jen and I go back, pack up and leave. We head off down the road and once again, I'm driving. I told Jen that we might need to stop somewhere so she could take over because I wasn't sure how long I'd manage to stay awake. Well, I made it to Sacramento, and we still hadn't any BSB all weekend. Well, just as we were hitting Sacramento (where there was NO traffic at all, but it was close to midnight), we heard "I'LL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART!" Jen squeeled and then I did and we rocked out to it. Then, as we were hitting the edge of Sac, "SHOW ME THE MEANING OF BEING LONELY" came on a different station. That was all the BSB we heard all weekend, but it almost made up for it because it was going into the town that we are going to be hunting the BOYS in!

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