February 23, 2001
Star Morning Show
How Backstreet Becca Conquered IHOP

So Thursday morning, the Star Morning Show was broadcasting live from our local IHOP (International House of Pancakes) because it was national pancake week. So I grabbed my nearest friend and we headed down there, in the pouring rain to go bug George. I'm in my official Star tee shirt and when I walk in there, the hostest says, "New shirt?" And George is all like, "Nah, she's had it." So I wave at him and we get led to our table. Well, as we pass him, he notices the two pound bag of gummi bears I have and says, "Gee, now that's a sugar rush." I just grinned. So my friend Mary and I order our food and George is over across the way from us trying to talk to Intern Andy about the Grammy's, only come to find out that Andy wasn't watching. So after I eat my breakfast (with George yakking in the background), I lean over the rail and tell him that I had watched the Grammys. So after a while, he calls me over and we talk about the Grammys. Here's a slight semi-made-up transcript:

George: "So BACKSTREET BECCA, you watched the Grammy's last night..."

Me: "Yep."

George: "But the BACKSTREET BOYS weren't there."

Me: "They were only up for one award and they're on tour."

George: "But this is the Grammy's. They couldn't like cancel or something."

Me: "Nah, they did that last year when they sang with ELTON JOHN. But 'NSYNC was there."

George: "Aren't they the evil band?" (Notice he said evil, not I.)

Me: "No, they're the other band."

George: "Did the evil band win anything?"

Me: "No."

George: "Any surprises, you feel?"

Me: "Yeah, Macy Gray."

George: "Really? But I think that's probably a one hit kinda thing, don't you?"

Me: "Yeah, you're probably right on that."

Just then the plate of pancakes shows up on the table. George: "Well, the pancakes just arrived for us to see how many Intern Andy can shove in his mouth this morning." I pat Andy on the head and hand him back the mic.

So they go off and play some tunes and do the news and then get into how Andy is going to shove the hotcakes into his mouth. I then get to do a play-by-play with George of Andy shoving the flat things in his mouth. So we're taking bets and I say something like, "Well, he does have a big mouth!" So George is basically doing the play-by-play with me calling out things like "He's cheating! He's chewing!" and laughing hysterically. I don't know whether I was laughing at Andy trying to do this or George's comments. But George finally said, "You know, it might help if I stopped making him laugh." And I retorted, "No, you should stop making me laugh. I'm on the floor here." And George replied: "That you are." The next thing I remember calling out was, "He's rolling them into a ball!" Oh you had to be there!

So after I gather myself up from my laughing puddle on the floor and sit back down, I tell Mary that I'm running out to the car. I go out to the car and get the BACKSTREET BOYS AROUND THE WORLD board game and bring it in. Well, then the guys go into play "AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME" (or did they do that right before we talked about the Grammy's, I don't remember). But anyway, George makes some comment about the game and then he actually let's me talk by myself witout interrupting for like ten seconds! Oh my, I think I just died. Well, then he calls my friend Mary over and asks her if I'm always like this and of course she agrees. (Some friends I have. *LOL*) And so then he asks for a handful of cards and sets them on the table as he's reading the news. For those of you who don't know, the AROUND THE WORLD game is a trivia game and you roll a "BOY" which corresponds to a trivia question. Well, while he's reading the news, Intern Andy reaches over and picks up the cards. Well, George sets down the paper that he's reading off of, continues reading and pulls the cards out of Andy's hands like he's a two-year-old! He then asks Andy the first question. Now the questions are multiple choice and Andy guesses right. So I'm sitting across the way applauding. George then says, "I don't know which is scarier: the fact that you got it right, or that BACKSTREET BECCA is across the way applauding that you got it right and she can't even see the answers!"

Shortly after that, I have to leave so I can get home and go to school, but that was how I conquered IHOP. Now I'm on the quest to be his co-host! I WANT ANDY'S JOB!

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