March 8, 2002

Some people! I can't believe this. Well, actually I can. Coming from who it's coming from, it makes sense. My best friend's mom is so narrow-minded.

My best friend, Jennifer, came out a couple of years ago by accident to her mom. (Her mom kinda walked in on her and her lover.) Since then her mom has been condemning Jennifer for her "choice."

Again, by accident, one of the young teenage girls (Jennifer's step-sisters) found out about my girlfriend (probably by overhearing us on the phone). Well, this brought it to the attention of Jennifer's mom. No BIG deal right? So then Jennifer's birthday is coming up and when she calls to invite me, Mary answer the phone because I'm at school. So Jennifer extends the invitation to Mary. So when I got home I called Jennifer and she told me when the party was.

The next day while I'm at school, Jennifer calls back wanting to talk to me. So I call her at work to find out what it was she wanted to say. Apparently her mom threw a fit about inviting me. She said she didn't want people like me in her house anymore. That hurt.

It hit me on a personal level as well as a moral level. How can someone who CLAIMS to know God's word judge me? There is only one true judge.

I love everyone, just as I have been taught. How can people continue to teach prejudice and intolerance?

"My religion doesn't hate
It will never turn you away
It always understands
My relgion won't kondemn
Always lends a healing hand
It's love...
My religion's love
--KRYStAL, "My Religion"

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