March 14, 2001
A Wonderful, Backstreet Day

Today was going to be a good day, right from the start. How did I know? Well, when my alarm went off at 5:45a (I know, why do I get up so early if I don't have to be at school until 10a?), I heard the BACKSTREET BOYS singing "I WANT IT THAT WAY!" Oh, today is going to be good! So I start reading for my Humanities test. I'm reading Antigone (which I read in high school), but I don't care. At 6a, my phone rings. I roll out of bed and walk over to the infernal ringing machine and answer it, if just to make it shut up! It's BRAD. He tells me for the second time that week, "I've got something important to tell you." His big announcement: he has to work on Saturday! So we make arrangements to see each other on Sunday, as if it's any big deal to me. I then go back to my reading.

Around 8:45a, I switch radio stations (sorry George!) and hear "I'LL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART." Fifteen minutes later, I flip the station and hear "SHOW ME THE MEANING OF BEING LONELY" and when that's over, I flip the station again and hear "THE CALL!" Within a matter of thrity minutes, I heard three BSB songs! Well, I go off to school and go and take my Humanities test at 12p. It was actually easy. I guess if you do the reading...

I go back to work and then at 4:30p go into my ASL class. On my way there I hear "I WANT IT THAT WAY!" I'm signing a presentation in there of "How to get your favorite BACKSTREET BOY to marry you." I got to bring in pictures of the BOYS and tell everyone in ASL how to do it. Of course, the trick is to do exactly opposite of the list! The best thing about it was that I wasn't even nervous up there! When I signed "SHAPE OF MY HEART" last semester, my knees were shaking. (Kinda helped for the lines "Every minute/second it makes me weaker.")

When I got home and went to bed, I checked my radio to make sure it was up loud enough for when the alarm goes off tomorrow morning. Well, when I check the station, there is "I'LL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART!" Oh today was a good day. Let's hope this weekend is just as good! *sigh*

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