March 25, 2002
Adventures in Sacramento

So Mary, Jen and I decide to go to Sacramento so Jen can buy some clothes for work. We were supposed to leave at 8am, but Mary and I dilly dallied around, so we didn't leave until close to 830. Mary had to go by Rush for somethning and then I had to go by the bank. So we didn't leave until 9am and didn't get to Jen's until 930. We headed off to Sacramento and got lost going to Arden Fair, but Mary is still really smart, because she knew that you could take Garden Way to get to Arden Way.

We get to Arden and park the car. Once inside we parade around the mall, trying to find stores. We go into the Disney Store (mainly so I can try and find the clothes KRYStAL wore in the calendar, but they didn't have them!). Then Mary and Jen go to Lane Bryant (to shop for clothes for Jen) and I go to Warehouse, but don't buy anything. I also stepped into Spencer's Gifts, and upon finding no BSB stuff, I head over to Lane Bryant to find them. Jen finds a couple of pairs of pants and Mary realizes we have a wedding to go to in April and she wants to show the two newlyweds what they're missing. So Jen buys the two pairs of slacks she found and Mary buys the skirt she found. They then drag me across the way to Clothestime so they can dress me up for the wedding too. I walk out with a knee length black skirt, a beige top (almost lingerie) and a calf length black vinyl jacket. I decided on the jacket when I realized that the skirt AND the jacket were listed under "buy 1 get 1 free". So I essentially got the skirt for free. We went into Macy's so I could fix my hair (which just wanted to lay down at odd spots). I also put on my new jacket. When I walked out, Jen thought I belonged in "The Matrix." So of course to top this off I had to have sunglasses. So we head off to Claire's to get cheap sunglasses.

So in Claire's Mary finds the sunglasses and I start looking, but initially don't find anything. So I go off looking around and come back to the sunglasses. All the while, the manager is watching me like a hawk. So when I finially decided on a pair of sunglasses and I go to buy them, he rings me up and then goes over to the rack before we leave and picks up an empty cardboard glass holder and says we need to help him find it. Okay no big deal right. So then after about five to ten minutes of looking, Mary corners me and tells me that he thinks I stole them and he had called security on me. So when security gets there Mary and I go over there and tell the woman that I saw the empty card so I put up on the rack and then must have put another pair of sunglasses in front of it without knowing. So the security guard lets us go. I'm outraged and when we get to the food court, I can hardly eat.

So we spend a little more time there in Arden Fair and then head over to Barnes and Noble. I found a book Empress of the World by Sara Ryan which is about bisexualism and one young girl finding out about herself. I'm almost done with it already. As we're leaving, Mary notices that we have a low tire so we try to find a gas station so we can get gas and put air in the tire.

After that, we head into downtown and cruise right by the Hyatt Regency. Jen and I were so close!!!!!!! Just a few blocks away at the Downtown Plaza on K Street. (I'm talking about the BSB staying at the Hyatt Regency in Sacramento!) We park and then I buy purple hair spray at Spencers to get the parking validated. Then I buy a new pair of strappy sandals to go with the outfit. We go by Quiznos to get Jen some food and then we go to leave. Leaving the parking garage, we find out that our validation doesn't count at that garage. So we finally head home and drop Jen off. Then I go and try on my outfit with the shoes. And then Mary and I go to bed. So that was my day.

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