March 29, 2001
Backstreet on the Brain

This happened a few weeks ago, but it's on my mind again. Back on March 1, I had my very frist Child Development test. Well, we're coming up on another test so this appeared in my head again. Now before I got into the story, I want you all to remember what happened on March 5. (I went to see BSB for the first time.) So, BSB was massively on my brain.

So, on this exam, one of the essay questions I chose to answer dealt with gene-environment correlations. There are three types:

  • Passive: parents choose the environment for the child based on genetics
  • Evocative: children evoke responses from people around them
  • Active: children pick an environment that suits them
I know you probably don't understand this, but the example I gave might help.

"BRIAN LITTRELL (a member of the BACKSTREET BOYS) probably inherited his parents ability to sing because they both sang in choir. When they noticed this in their son, they encouraged him to sing. Now BRIAN's singing, even at a young age, induced swooning and praise so he kept doing it. And later on, he found friends who also enjoyed singing. And now, he and his friends are international superstars." © 3/1/01 Bereccaemarie

I guess I felt bad for so blatantly displaying my passion because I apologized at the end of that answer. Well, when I got my exam back, Matt, my professor, said it was a "great" example. Then on the next question he commented at the end "No BACKSTREET BOYS example in this question?! =)" Damn! I thought it was going to slip past him! Hehehe!

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