April 1, 2002
KEVIN hosting TRL

Normally I don't watch MTV, especially TRL because it's rigged. I know this, and so do a lot of people out there. Well, today was an exception. KEVIN of the BACKSTREET BOYS was going to be hosting. Well, I'd been hearing about how he had cut his hair into a mohawk type thing and I wanted to make sure, so I watched. Yes, his hair really was a mohawk thing. It took a minute to get used to. I was online about two hours before the show with a friend of mine and aparently she gets the East Coast feed on satalite or something, because she told me that KEVIN was going to do something that was going to make me mad and that he was gonna shock all of us. Well, when Jen called to say she was leaving to come over, I told her this. When she arrived, she told me three different things that he could possibly say: they were're reocrding with *NSUCK and two others, I think one was that the group was going separate ways. Well, about ten minutes before the show started, I stated that he was probably going to say that the group was breaking up because it was April's Fools Day and we'd be more likey to believe it because it was coming from his mouth. It turns out that that was what he said. I was cracking up! But some of the fans there in the studio actually believed him! There was this one girl in tears!!!! It was hilarious! If the BSB broke up, yeah, I would be sad, and I'd probably shed a couple of tears, but I would know that it would be for the best. Apparently KEVIN even fooled JOHN NORRIS (BSB news guy extraordinare) because he said that he thought KEVIN had breaking news that MTV had missed! Way to go KEVY!!!!!!!

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