April 3, 2002

I wanted to be like you
I wanted everything
So I tried to be like you
And I got swept away
--"All You Wanted," Michelle Branch

Okay, so here's the scoop. Now that I have a computer that actually runs, I can go in and play around on all those nifty things called chatrooms and message boards. Well, I found myself on KRYStAL the Supergirl.com right away and then I remember earlier this week (like Monday) that I had an account with them and subsequently could chat and post on the message board. (Oh yeah, Krista [WEBWOMAN!] owns The Official KRYStAL Newsletter and upkeeps the website!) So I asked for my password again (because Hotmail has been stupid lately and been dumping all my old messages!). So I got on there and started posting right away. Of course I had to congratulate the SUPERGIRL on going GOLD (okay, so it was for "The Princess Diaries," but who's really countig?), and then I had to tell how much of a fan I am.

So just how big am I? Glad you asked. I'm such a freak that I sent off a video tape of me to MTV's "Becoming." So you know, "Becoming" is this show where fans literally get to "become" their favorite singer/group and make a music video. I hadn't really seen it until my mom got Satellite. Then I saw "Becoming *NSYNC". Okay, so I wanted to do this! And who else did I wanna become than KRYStAL. I mean, it makes perfect sense! My co-workers already think that her and I are twins. If I start showing off her picture, people start aksing me if the pic is me.

I kinda hope that MTV picks it up and wants to do it. I mean, not only would be totally awesome (to bring out my California side here), but also it would be good publicity for her as well. She's supposed to have a new album come out sometime in the summer (July, possibly) and all us fans are dying for it! And frankly, Alicia Keys can go swimming because KRYStAL is soooooooo much more talented! (But that's just my opinion!)

And one more totally unrelated thing: JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE of *NSYNC wants to take a year off, so, subsequently, *NSYNC is taking a year break! I know this sounds bad coming from a music fan like myself, but...WAHOO!!!!!! (Any *NSYNC readers out there, I'm not knocking the band or anything like that, I'm just saying that now BSB can reclaim what is rightfully theirs!) I mean, BSB routinely disappears for long stretches of time (in which they get engaged, married, write, fight, break bones, enter rehab, exit rehab, cut hair, buy houses, sell houses, etc.) yet their fans (including me) come back year after year! And maybe *NSYNC needs to take tihs time off to regroup and figure out where they wanna go musically, and otherwise. I know we'll probably be hearing a lot from them, even in this year off.

So, if this "Becoming" thing happens, look for it here. Remember, "you hear it here first!" (To quote MTV NEWS.)

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