April 13, 2001
Good Friday

How is today good? Could someone please tell me? It's Friday the thirteenth. Kind of appropriate for what I'm about to say. Brad and I are no longer. I made a stupid mistake (one I shall never admit to, in this journal anyway), and now we're through. Looking back in retrospect, I guess we were never made for each other anyway. I mean, we're two separate social classes, religions, etc. It probably wouldn't have worked anyway. But it still hurts. So how is it appropriate that this happened on Friday the thirteenth? Because both Brad and mine's favorite number is thirteen.

I thought this weekend was going to be a good thing. I mean, I turn 21 on Sunday. But I should have known better. Come on, it's Easter Sunday! I can't go out and drink like all the other legal kids do in this town.

And then yesterday, I'm on my way to colorguard practice and I get hit! Oddly enough I think it was by the mom of one of my high school classmates. So now for my birthday I get to deal with Insurance Companies! Lovely. This is my second car accident in the past twelve months and well, I'm thinking of turning in my license. I mean, I obviously shouldn't be on the road.

But wait. I can't do that. Then I'd have no ID to prove I'm of the legal majority. Darn!

So if someone could please inform me as to why today is a "good" day, I would really like to know.

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