April 18, 2002

I haven't thought of Danny Lee in weeks. Not since the People Magazine article. But now that I'm writing a story involving him, I guess I'm kinda stuck thinking about it. But the song "Daniel" by Elton John hasn't been played on the radio in a long time, at least where I have heard it. But in the past two days, I've heard it three times! Stuff like that just doesn't normally happen to me.

Something cool also happened on the way to work. Mary and I were having an argument before we left. It was more of the way she was saying things and not what she was saying that was upseting me. So I get in my car pissed. When I turn on Star 96.7 there is "ALL I HAVE TO GIVE"! Yeah! But then when it's over and I'm almost at work, I flip the station to Mix 95.1 and there is "ALL I HAVE TO GIVE" again! So that was kinda cool, I guess.

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