May 1, 2001
Continued On...

Tonight I called my best friend to give her the update on my life, the car accident, the break up, etc. Well at the end of the conversation, I make some comment about her boyfriend not committing and asking her to marry him. That's when she goes, "Well, about that, I'm engaged!" Leave it to my best friend Heather. When I asked her why she didn't tell me sooner, her reply was "I forgot." This is the exact way I said it would happen in my story "I'LL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART," only in the story she had an excuse! I was living in Orlando with BRIAN! Hello! I'm here, an hour and a half away! Not three thousand miles! *lol* But anyway, I head out to Walmart. Not finding what I was looking for I head to Target. I find the engagement card I wanted (it's the same one that I got BRIAN and LEIGHANNE), picked up a few other things and then picked up a new magazine. It's the "TEEN" issue with the BOYS on the cover. So I buy it, get it home, and call my dad back. While I'm reading the article, I get to part where BRIAN is asked about a recent or recurring dream he's had. BRIAN proceeds to tell about this basketball dream he's been having. The line goes something like "...and then he..." and beneath it are the words "continued on page 118." So I flip back to the back of the magazine, find the last page is 120 and go back one page. No BSB. So I scrutinize my magazine. Someone ripped out page 118!!!!! Now why on earth would someone do this? Why not take the whole article? Now I have read this article, so I know what BRIAN's dream is, but it's the thought that counts!

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