May 31, 2001
Backstreet Becca and the Birthday Card

Yesterday was the CBS "BACKSTREET BOYS: LARGER THAN LIFE" special. When George mentioned it yesterday on "What's on the Tube?" he said "Well, we know where BACKSTREET BECCA's gonna be." My dad, who happened to be up here, heard it and got a kick out of it. He loves it that I'm doing things like this. Then this morning George starts talking about his 40th birthday, which is today. He mentions that he already got a birthday card, from ME! Of course it's got the BSB on it and on the inside it says "Happy birthday from the BOYS and ME." I thought it was cute and I timed it all perfectly so that he got to keep it! Well, I'll tell you this, it doesn't even come close to the cheesey-ness I've done in the past. Some of you may remember that in the Black and Blue Gift Bag I put a birthday card in there with BRIAN's picture on it for BRIAN.

Anyway, around six forty-five I called him just really to wish him a happy birthday and wound up on the air talking about my opinion about the show last night. Here's a semi-transcript:

GEORGE: Good morning Becca! Thanks for the card!

ME: You're welcome George.

GEORGE: Did you watch the special last night?

ME: Yeah, but I wasn't planning on it?


ME: That's why they invented videotape!

GEORGE: But you're Backstreet Becca! You're supposed to watch it live and then over and over and over again on videotape!

ME: Yeah, well. What I wanna know is where were the stuffed animals?

GEORGE: Where were the stuffed animals?

ME: Yeah! The shows I went to, the Boys were bombarded with stuffies! It's like Christmas! I counted two in attendance!

GEORGE: What do they do with the stuffies after wards? I hear they donate them. Do you know where?

ME: No, I don't. I think they donate them to local hospitals.

GEORGE: Well, that's your new mission!

ME: You know what else George, they said they were gonna show...uh...footage from when they were younger!


ME: Yeah. You blinked and you missed it!

GEORGE: [laughing] Yeah, well, that's because their career only started, what, five minutes ago?

[DORI (co-host) laughing in background]


GEORGE: Well, thanks for calling and thanks for the card.

ME: You're welcome George.

GEORGE: Have a good day, Becca.

ME: You too George!

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