June 10, 2002
Kermit the Apple and Graduation

You are Kermit!
Though you're technically the star, you're pretty mellow and don't mind letting others share the spotlight. You are also something of a dreamer.

I've been taking these stupid quizes as of late, mainly because I graduated from college and now find my time empty outside of work. The first one I took, I wound up Kermit the Frog. Yeah, "It's not easy being green." I guess that works. I always did enjoy watching Kermit the Frog on Seasme Street, partly because he was ALWAYS voiced by Jim Henson, and partly because I could identify with him. See, I may not have been green, but I knew what it was like to be an outcast, just as Kermit was. But that was then. As it turns out, my mother took the same quiz and also wound up as Kermit.

The next quiz I took told me what common object I would be. I was an apple. How appropriate if I'm going to be a teacher huh? Mary wound up a dreidel, which is appropriate for her because, well, she studied Hebrew in school and is big on religion. How fun though, to be an apple.

Yes, I graduated. I had a three day weekend off of work too. It was okay, except for the fact that my dad kept me up half the night. See, he called about 11ish, or more like I called him to find out where he was. He was on I-5 north of Sac. This told me he would be there about midnight. Well, at one in the morning, I woke up and he wasn't on my doorstep. I was awake for the next 2 hours worrying about him because his cell phone wasn't on. As it turned out, he called me at 6am to say he was on my doorstep. He had stopped in Woodland to sleep, but didn't bother to call me. Then my mom shows up and the house is a mess, like it has been since Mary moved in, and well, I've got to hear it from all sides about how messy my house is. That is not what I wanted to hear at 7:30 in the morning. Then I have to take whoever was with me on a tour of the campus. Thankfully Mary knew the school history and the history of all the buildings and such. Then I head off to the graduate section, where I find out that Undergraduate Education (my section) is right up front this year. But that meant we had to march in first, which meant we had to get in line rather quickly. So we marched inside and there were like 10,000 people there. I wound up with an aisle seat, which I was very happy over. I could see everything that was going on and I didn't freak out. I didn't even freak out after the ceremony was over mainly because I knew where I was to meet Mary at afterwards. Let's see, I shook Dr. Myles' hand while I was in line, because I was trying to find my parents, I seemed to be staring off into space and he caught me. Then after I walked down the ramp to the grass and found my seat, I sat there and when I heard Geoff (from the SRC) have his name called, I waited for him and went up and hugged him as he walked down the aisle. Then I hugged Dr. Mark as he came by. After the ceremony, I walked as fast as I could to the car to meet Mary. She told me that my dad had gone off, so we went and tunred back in my robe and then went over to Butte Hall to visit Dr. Mark. His look was classic when he finally figured out that we were together. (Mary had Dr. Mark for a class or two.) Then we headed back to the car to wait some more for my father. Once he got there, we dropped him off at the house and picked up my cake then headed out to my mom's for the party. I got to see Heather and Aaron and a buncha other people that came (mainly Doug and Sue) and thanked everyone for their gifts then headed home. So that was my graduation.

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