June 11, 2002

OMG! YESERDAY WAS SOOOOO GREAT! So I was working on my website and I decided I should check my agentkym hotmail account. I get a lot of spam in it, so it fills up really quick-like. Well, as I was going through one of the folders, I noticed I had a BRIAN interview saved in there. So I emailed it to my krazi4KRYStAL hotmail account (where all my other website stuff is). Then when I went to check that account to make sure it had come through. Well, as I was waiting, I decided to click on this email from a "Melissa Watts" with the subject: "Greetings from VTeens" and this is what it said:

Hey Becca!

This is Melissa from Vteens(as if you couldn't gather that from the e-mail address, haha). Today, I come bearing good news!


But before we can work out a time and date for Miss Krystal to call you, I need you to do me a very small favor. I need you to go to Vteens.org and fill in all the fields you missed at registration, so we can verify who you are and where you are coming from. Also, you'll need to e-mail your phone number and the time of day that's best to call you, so we can pass along this info to Miss Krystal.

Congratulations and thanks for participating, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me!


You can imagine how psyched I was to get that email! In fact this is what I said in the reply:

sorry i blanked on this...i just haven't been checking my email lately! OMG!!!!

geez louise...i'm a dork!!!! hello!!! need to check email more often!

see, that was during finals week for me...i wasn't even checking all that week and then i totally didn't even check this acct until today!!!!!

holy cow!!!!! are you kidding me??? are you kidding me????

OMG!!!!!! i think i may faint!!!!!!

phone number: 530) xxx-xxxx best time of day to reach me: during the daylight hours! basically, between 10am and 6pm (after June 12th)

i work nights...oh but June 11th and 12th i SHOULD be free all day! (i don't have to work those two days)

and on June 19th, i'm leaving to go to Disneyland (i almost forgot that i'm so overjoyed!) and i'll be gone until June 23rd!

You couldn't have picked someone w/ a more flexible could you! LOL!!!!!!!!!! No, i'm kidding!!!!!


i signed up strictly to listen to the new KRYStAL music, never thinking i'd win, you're seriously not kidding me on this are you??????

*runs around room screaming*

okay, i'm done for now...i'm going to go scream in my bathroom right now as i take a shower to try and recover!!!!!!! and the profile has been updated!!!!!

So how, did I win this phone call? By spending 3 days downloading KRYStAL songs just to pick which one I think the next single should be. See Vteens.org had a contest. What you did is you picked what you think KRYStAL's next single should be and tell the people at Vteens why you picked it. Then they would randomly draw a winner who would receive a phone call from MISS KRYStAL herself. And I was that winner!!!!! Now I'm so afraid I'm gonna do one of 2 things: 1) talk her ear off or 2) not be able to say anything! So I've come up with a couple of questions I really wanna know, mainly for my website: A) height? B) fav color? C) fav number? and D) are you gonna tour again any time soon? I also wanna tell her about the BECOMING video I sent into MTV, this way if she has ANY pull at all at MTV, she can maybe get me on. But other than that, I wanna leave it totally open, just so it doesn't seem like an interview or some junk. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO stoked over this! This goes way beyond ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!

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