June 13, 2002
Why Me?

So I figured out why I'm getting this phone call from MISS KRYStAL. It's to say "Thank you." I've had the opportunity before, but never really realized it or was too awestruck to say anything.

For the longest time, the LORD has been telling me that the BACKSTREET BOYS would be a part of my life. But like any other teenager, I didn't listen. Then when I got out on my own, I started listening. When you're out on your own, sometimes He's the only one you can turn to. At first I thought it was BRIAN that I was drawn to, as the reason for my liking them. But as time went on, I began to realize that it wasn't him.

In September of 2000, there was talk of a hidden track on the BACKSTREET BOYS "FOR THE FANS" CD's numbers 2 and 3 from Burger King. The track was an artist the BOYS had signed to their new label, then unnamed. Her name was KRYStAL. Now, I could have downloaded the album off the Internet, but unfortunately my computer wasn't capable of handling it. So I had to go pester Burger King employees at 4 different stores about the album. I think I was the first one in my area to get Disc 2. When I heard KRYStAL sing, I just knew there was something Divine about her.

Now liking her was not without it's problems. My pen pan in Canada got to see the BSB on tour before I did and had not too nice things to say about MISS KRYStAL. I only half listened. I was ready for her. I wanted to see this girl live.

On March 3, I tried to see her (See The End of KRYStAL), with negative results. But on March 5, it was all her. Even from my spot in the back spying on the stage from the binoculars, I could tell she was short, just by the mike stand. So I'm weird. I saw her perform three times after that first time in March. The last time, I had flowers but wasn't ready to say "Thank You" yet; I hadn't yet figured out who I was. In fact, I was too awestruck to say ANYTHING!

So I know now why I'm getting this phone call. It's because the LORD is telling me, "Here's your chance. Tell her. She needs to know." So, I'm going to, even if I have to write a thousand notes and post them around the house to remind me to say "Thank you."

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