June 18, 2001
Weekend in Hell

Don't be fooled by the title. I don't think FRESNO is hell (okay, so maybe I do), but it was HOT!


So I take off early FRIDAY MORNING after oversleeping my alarm and waking up to *NSYNC's "BYE BYE BYE." I got stuck in traffic outside of STOCKTON. I really don't see why people have so many problems about traffic. It doesn't bother me. (Okay, call me weird.) Anyway, by the time I got to FRESNO I had heard six (6) BSB songs, including "THE ONE" when I got in the car! So I get to FRESNO around noon, go to lunch with Dad, blah blah blah boring. I met Rob (hopeuflly my way into BAKERSFIELD). About four that afternoon, I call up my sister and ask her to check my email, hoping CALIGIRL and BLACK AND BLUE ARMY MEMBER LAURA had emailed me with her phone number. Thankfully she did, so I called LAURA and left a message on the machine, forgetting to tell her that the number she'd be calling would be the office number. Later that night I call her again, because I noticed someone had hung on up on the machine and we finally talk! We could've talked all night on the phone but I was going to visit my grandmother for dinner and we were leaving soon. So LAURA and I make arrangements to meet on SATURDAY at one-ish at the STARBUCKS in the EDWARDS Cineplex stripmall. Go to grandmother's house for dinner, blah blah blah. Dad takes me to his favorite hole-in-the-wall bar but I'm too tired to get drunk. Go back to home, sleep, get up, take car to get smogged.


Okay, here's the funny thing about getting the car smogged. I'm sitting there after I get my milk from Albertson's across the street and proceed to spill it on my blue urban camo shirt, and so anyway, the woman there comes up and asks me what I do. I tell her I'm a college student. She then asks me about the BACKSTREET BOYS "ALL ACCESS PASS" haging in my car. You all know the one. The "Authentic non-working reproduction of a backstage pass. In other words--looks cool but won't get you anywhere." So I tell her that it's fake. Yeah, me lucky enough to meet the BSB. What cloud are we living on? So, car passes, like I knew it would, and I head back.


Around 1130am, I head off to STARBUCKS. I get there and park and then walk around for an hour. (Yes LAURA, I was a whole freaking hour early!) I go to TARGET and find the BSB "AROUND THE WORLD" game for $12! (I bought it at WAL-MART for $9!) And I find the *NSYNC puppets for $7! I *almost* bought the JUSTIN one just to blow him up, but thought better of it. I did find the HOWIE puzzle. Now all I need is NICK. So then I went over to STARBUCKS and bought my mocha and waited for LAURA. When she showed up, we talked for four (4) and a half hours! I'm sure the STARBUCKS people loved us! And we weren't exactly quiet! Come on, two college caffine junkies talking their favorite subject? Quiet? Yeah right! We mainly talked BSB and her meeting KEVIN and BRIAN waving at me and the concert we both went to (SAN DIEGO, 3/17). Later, she showed me the CD he signed. (LAURA, I hate you! *lol*)


I headed over to pick up my dad and we picked up my sister then headed to MADERA to my aunt Judy's 80th birthday party. After dinner, I grabbed my sister and cousin and headed over to the bar because they had KARAOKE! I got my sis and cousin up there singing "I WANT IT THAT WAY!" Then I got drug up there for CHRISTINA's "I TURN TO YOU" and BRITNEY's "OOPS...I DID IT AGAIN." Then I realized I couldn't find my day planner. This not only had my phone numbers and check book in it, but also my credit cards, Blockbuster card and assorted other things. Fortunately I still had my ID! I was upset, understandably so, so I went and did "EVERYBODY." It was the European version. I then cancelled my credit card and went home.


The next day was FATHER's DAY, along with KEVIN & KRISTIN's one year anniversary. I spent the afternoon asleep on a couch and engrossed in ESPN's "Sportscenter." (Hey, when you don't have cable...) And then my dad I went picked up my sister later that night and we to go bug my other sister and brother (the one who reminded me of NICK for so long) at work. (They both work at Me & Ed's - a pizza parlor near their house.) We get there and I check out the jukebox. Well, they've got every BRITNEY song and her boyfriend's band too (*NSYNC), but only have "I WANT IT THAT WAY" by BSB. So I play the following:

Then later:
We stick around till about 830pm then leave.


Go to bed, get up, go find parts to fix Air Conditioning in car and then drive home with $8 in my bra so that I can pay for gas! FRESNO peeps, drink lotsa water and become a fish! *lol* Don't worry, we are in triple digits up here too! But I have AC in my car now! *woohoo* But I was too terrified to use it and not have enough gas to get home, that I didn't use it the entire way back home. I didn't end up leaving until about 330pm and finally got home around 8pm (would have been home sooner, but I stopped for a time in YUBA CITY). Over the course of the entire trip, I wound up hearing *almost* every BSB song, save "EVERYBODY," "LARGER THAN LIFE," "THE CALL," and "I WANT IT THAT WAY" (the times I play it don't count...this was radio)...I heard "SHAPE OF MY HEART" four times!!!!! (love that song!)

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