August 12, 2002
Big Changes

So, in a matter of weeks, I'm going to be moving back home with my mom. It's a long story, so get ready for it.

It started a few weeks back. My mom's co-worker was bugging my mom about when I was coming for lunch. (I had gone down for lunch last season.) So I picked a day that I didn't have to work until late that night and went down for lunch. During lunch I got hit upside the head with "You are not gay." Talk about wanting to slide under the table. Then back at the shed, I get introduced to this guy they were telling me about. I agree to go out with him and to NOT tell Mary.

In the course of a week, this thing spiraled out of control and I was pissed at my mother. She emailed me from work telling me that if I needed to move home, I could, only it came out like I already had plans or something. See, Mary reads fast and sometimes reads things before she's realized it. So the email from my mom's work was sitting in the last slot in my inbox (and not filtered into mom's special folder) and since I have the preview pane activated, the body of the message was visible. When Mary got home on Monday night and went to check her email, she had to go thru mine to get there. Well, she inadvertantly read the email from my mom and got all scared. So we talked about it and I told her about the guy and what was going on. Then things got really confusing.

Apparently, later that same day my mom emailed me another email about how Mary and I were wrong for each other and how I wasn't bi-sexual because she didn't believe in it. Well, this pissed me off when I read it. Only later that week, did my mom and I talk. Mary happened to be away visiting a friend and later that night after she got home, we talked about our future. This was the conclusion: we just weren't supposed to be together. Mary is a crusader and I'm not. Yeah, I stand up for causes and such, but I'm not one to start the fight, Mary is. If I were to stay with Mary, I would more than likely end up losing my career. So we decided to separate. It wasn't easy and is still confusing. We're still living together, at least until September 1. So it's kind of a weird situation.

So I'm trying to find boxes, pack some things, make sure things are in order so I can move into a tiny bedroom back home with my mom. It's not an ideal situation, but I think it'll save me some money. And maybe one of these days I'll get this love thing straight.

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