September 3, 2000
Defunct Brain Cells
Take Over by the Backstreet Brain Cell

School started two weeks ago and for once in my life I am up to date on homework, reading and notes. But I don't see this lasting very long. Why? Because of a little thing called BACKSTREET BOYS. Well, it's not them, perse, it's more the fact that my brain has been working over time. Not on school related things, but on story ideas.

I keep an idea book for my stories because sometimes I get so many that I can't finish them fast enough. Well, after it being blank all summer, school starts and all of a sudden I get tons of ideas! Maybe it's because my life up until this point had been boring? No. My life was by no means boring. (I'll save that for another entry.) But maybe it's because my brain has been void of BACKSTREET all summer. Well not really. They performed on Men Strike Back in April and then in May (four days prior to when I said it would occur), "THE ONE" premiered on MTV's TRL. So that was on the TRL countdown all summer until the Friday before school started (perfect timing if I do say so myself). And now since August 28, there have been BACKSTREET toys and CDs and a video at Burger King.

I think all the ideas that have been coming from brain have happened because I only have two brain cells: one for BACKSTREET (KTBSPA!) and one for everything else (school, work, life, oh God!). The Backstreet cell has taken over the everything else cell and now everything is BACKSTREET, or everybody BACKSTREET. Oh God, it's happening again! Save me B-ROK with your amazing jumping abilities and your basketball-like shaped sphere of energy! Help me BONE with your ability to hollow a dime off Lil' Tyke's back from ten miles away! Ok, I'm going to go listen to some BACKSTREET music now to hopefully save myself from this hostile take over.

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