November 1, 2000
Colorguard Captain
How I Met Brad

The reason I have not written anything over the past month and a half is due to time constraints. I was promoted by Marie* to Captain of the Colorguard. So guess what that means? More responsibility thrust upon my shoulders. Great! So now I am leading an eclectic (my new word for the millennium) group of women down the path that is colorguard. There's only one tiny problem with this. It's not all women.

One of my members is Tom's* current girlfriend, Sara*. (Tom and I dated in high school.) Along with Tom and Sara came Brad, mainly for moral support. So now I have these two guys hanging around constantly. What do I do with them? Put them to work! "Carry this. Do that for me, please." And they don't mind!

So, I notice Brad. Always around, kinda cute, definitely someone I could get to know as a friend. So that's what happens. We begin gathering data on one another. Once I feel I have enough on him, I make the first advance.

Brad plays dumb.

I try again, and again, Brad plays dumb. I keep trying and trying for about two weeks or so. Then Sara invites me over one Friday night to watch a movie. I ask Jen if she wants to go since it was a Friday and Jen spends the weekend with me. She tells me no. (That's how good of friends we are. We can do two different things and know that it's not going to jeopardize what we have.) So Brad and Sara pick me up and we head over to Sara and Tom's house. (Did I forget to mention they live together?) Well, we sit down, the four of us, and watch Down to You. It was a very cute movie. All the time I'm watching it, I'm watching Brad. I wanna see if he's gonna make a move, while telling myself to keep my hands to myself.

He doesn't make a move.

So the next night, Saturday, this past Saturday, October 28, 2000, I get invited by Sara to go over and watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown after colorguard practice. So Brad and I, not wanting to impose upon Sara and Tom, go out for dinner. Based on what he told me prior to ordering, what he ordered didn't surprise me one bit. And when I commented on it, the waitress asked if he ordered what he did all the time. Like we had been dating for months or something. I laughed it off. Later, after we watched the movie at Tom and Sara's, we all wanted to do something, play a game or something. So Sara suggested Truth or Dare. Of course I was game and of course Tom refused over and over again. Brad, on the other hand, started throwing out rules. So we decide to play and at one point in the game, Sara dares me to kiss Brad's neck. I turn to him and latch on like a leech, or a vampire. I stop and then ask him if he liked and he gave me a signal that he did and he wanted more. So I did. Later on in the game, I latched on just for the hell of it. The next thing I knew, we were making out. It was as if all that sexual tension had been building and finally exploded.

So we go back to his place and surprisingly enough, especially for me, we DON'T have sex. Yes, we did think about it, but we kept our clothes on and instead, talked for a long time.

Nights like the one just described have been repeated only a couple times. And as for yesterday, well, I found out why Brad is in my life. Things are going to change. I'm hoping for the better. I just hope Brad is there on the other side. He is all I've dreamed of and I'm not going to let him go easily.

*Name's have been changed to protect the innocent

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