November 6, 2000
Wonderful Weekend

I'm not sure If I mean this to be sarcastic, cynical, or entirely true. Let me give you a brief run down of things I remember.

  • My mother is moving to a trailer on an acre's worth of land in the middle of nowhere. This means I get all my stuff that she said she'd store for me. I have not a clue as to where I'm going to put it yet. I also get some really nice dishes, which means I have to make room for them too.
  • Brad wanted KFC's Tender Roast Chickie for dinner. Fine with me, only the KFC here doesn't have it. So we go out for Japanese. A new experience for me: Chopsticks (with nails) and fresh sushi! Plus, I've never had a guy spend so much on me. He's already spent over $100 on me!
  • Colorguard practice on Saturday was, well, how do you say, interesting. Both Julie* and Sara are trying to "win my love" if you will for the co-captain position. Boy do they have another thing coming on Tuesday.
  • Sunday morning I drag Brad with me to go meet the 'rents at the new place so we can pick up my stuff. (I wasn't sure how heavy this box of dishes was going to be.) So when we get back, it means we have to practically wash every dish in my house and rearrange stuff to fit the dishes. And to add to an already weird situation (Brad and I doing housework together), I go to work that night, and guess who gets stuck with dish duty? Yep, you guessed it, me!

So I really have no idea about this weekend. Brad and I have been together for a week now. So far, so good. He's talking about bringing me down to meet his family for his birthday (Christmas Eve), but we'll see.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent

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