November 8, 2000

I find it ironic that as I read the story Metamorphosis, I myself am going through my own transformation. Gregor Samsa became a dung beetle, whereas I am just now beginning to really live my life.

Gregor wakes one morning to find himself as a beetle. It isn't a dream, it's real. His family initially cannot accept the fact that their son has become an insect. His father forced him back into his room, while his boss couldn't get away fast enough when he saw Gregor. The only person who would tolerate spending any time with Gregor was his sister, Grete, and even that was very minimal. All she did was bring him food and clean his room. She was so repulsed by the sight of him that she would run towards the window and throw it open to breathe. And later, she starts referring to him as "it." And then, when he died, instead of mourning the loss of their son and brother, the family took a trip to the country as if they were happy to be rid of him. Was this just because of his metamorphosis or was it how they were truly feeling about him?

Like Gregor, I am going through a metamorphosis, only my change isn't happening in one night, it's taking time. For the first time in my life, I feel like a real college student. Until this point, I had been spending most of my life hiding out in my room, only coming out to go to school and work. Now, I have finally begun to live my life. I hope that my friends don't do what Gregor's family did. I wish them to treat me the same as they always did, just maybe acknowledging the fact that I have changed, but after that, not letting it get to them. I also hope that my change doesn't kill me. It's been said whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I sincerely hope that's true in my case.

Author's Note: This was an actual assignment for one of my classes.

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