November 21, 2000
51 minutes & 30 seconds
How Backstreet Becca Conquered Wal-Mart

"BLACK AND BLUE" Day! The long awaited, much anticipated day. Today was the day the BACKSTREET BOYS new album, "BLACK AND BLUE" hit record stores. Today is also CHRIS CARTER'S {creator of "THE X-FILES" wife, Dori's birthday. So what did I do to celebrate this momentous occassion? Get about 4.5 hours of sleep!

After work Monday night, Jen came over. We worked on a few stories and then headed out to Wal-Mart around 1030pm. We managed to spend an hour walking around, throwing different things into our shared cart. Believe it or not, I actually had things other than the album to buy. I was walking around with my headphones on trying to get through to Boomer on my cell phone. At one point I heard "SHOW ME THE MEANING OF BEING LONELY." At eleven and eleven-thirty, Jen and I ever so casually storlled past the electronics deptartment, hoping that they put the album out early.

They didn't.

At eleven-thirty, I was getting weary and both Jen and I were getting hungry. (Our local Wal-Mart is open 24 hours, but unfortunately the McDonalds inside isn't.) So we decided to leave and go get something to eat. The only place we found that was open was Taco Bell. After we bought our bean burritos, we headed back to my house to eat. We decided to head back to Wal-Mart around 1230am.

So at a quarter to one, we're browsing around the electronics section when I happen to glance out into the main aisleway. From fifty feet away, I notice the new CD. It's in a display turned sideways in amongst pallets of boxes. I tell Jen, "Are we blind?" as I point out the display. We walk over to it and as we're walking by, snatch our copies of the CD (one for me and 2 for Jen). Jen makes the comment of, "Well, you're blind and I'm blonde." We laughed and joked our way to the checkout line. (Mind you it's almost one in the morning.) As we're leaving with our copiesof the album, the checker tells us to be careful (probably because I was acting like I was drunk).

As we're walking out, I glance at my receipt. The time says the following: 00:51:30 11/21/00. Tell me if that isn't cool? So I was the first one to buy the album in my area. And someone needs to present me with a receipt in order to prove it.

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