November 30, 2001

This past weekend my friend Mary came up to visit me. This visit wasn't planned very well; she decided it the previous week. She showed up around noon and we just kind of hung out in my room talking at first. We touched a little bit: just deft brushes against each other, smoothing each other's hair, etc. Then one of us kissed the other--I don't remember who. Before too long, we were kissing and hugging a whole lot. Things progressed slowly but not too slowly. By tht etime she showed up at work on my break that night, we were openly holding hands and stealing kisses. When I got home and crawled into bed, we kind of started making out, exploring each other's bodies. We didn't do much that night because I was so exhausted.

The next day, we went out on the town and linked arms as we walked. None of it felt strange to me which I was worried about. It all felt completely natural. That night, when I got home, she was very apologetic for oversleeping. I just hugged her and told her it was okay because I was home now. We crawled into bed and wound up doing things to each other that I had only read about in fanfiction.

The next day, my parents called, so we went out to an early lunch and walking around the mall. I kind of figured out that my parents saw our relationship and found out later that they did see it.

I realized that I was really going to miss her before she left. Since she left, we have emailed each other every day. I don't know if this constant contact is good or if it will persist, but as for right now, things are wonderful.

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