December 20, 2000
Missed "Call"
How I was SO close to BSB

Hi peeps! I know it'sd been a while since I posted anything about my fanaticism (and this is a journal about my fanaticism), so it's about time something happened!

The BACKSTREET BOYS have announced that their next single is going to be "THE CALL" (but you all knew that, right?). So, anyway, in this day and age, you can't release a single without a video. So, arrangements were made to film a video in Los Angeles, of course. The video was filmed between December 14 and December 18.

Now, how do I factor into all of this? Very simply. See, I was in Orange County between December 15 and December 18, visiting my boyfriend's family. Orange County is literally within hours of Los Angeles. I could have seen and/or met the BACKSTREET BOYS then! But I didn't know they were going to be there!

My friend, Danielle, who met them when they filmed "SHAPE OF MY HEART", was the one who told me about this video shoot. She asked me why I didn't go to see them. My answer was this: I didn't know they were there. Would you go hunting for them if they aren't there? No, it would be a waste of time. Would you go if you had an idea that they might be there? HELL YES!

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