
My name is Rebecca. I normally go by Rebecca or by my last name. I can't stand the name Becky. To me, I find it very snobbish. My family calls me Becca, but professionally I am known as Rebecca.

I'm 23 years old, even though most of the time I don't feel like it. I still feel like I'm really young. Maybe that's because I work with kids or when I'm working at Burger King I'm pretty much the oldest there on most occassions.

I have graduated from college with my Bachelors of Arts and I have also received my teaching credential so I am now qualified to teach elementary school kids. The few times I've been with kids, I have had an excellent time.

I'm legally blind in one eye and am losing my vision in the other. I don't think I'll ever be completely visually impared, but having very little depth perception is difficult. It took me three years to learn to pour water into the coffee pot. I still have problems riding with people in the car because I think they're too close to things or cars.

For my birthday this past year, I got a boyfriend. I know that's a strange gift, but it was wonderful. His name is Joey. I met him in the classroom. My last student-teaching assignment was with a wonderful teacher. Her son, Joey was always in the classroom. Well, he was cute and funny. The strangest thing was that he showed up at work one night (at Burger King) all dressed up and I didn't recognize him! But we're together now, and we're very happy.

I'm short, thin and really need to get in better physical shape. I used to be so much stronger, but when you don't work out every day, you lose what you had. I hope to get back into a routine sometime soon. Hopefully for the start of school this year. When you're with little kids, you really have to be in shape.

I suffer from anxiety and depression. I have now since I was sixteen. All of it stems from traumatic events -- from when I was stalked and more recently when I was sexually assaulted. This journal hopefully will be used to reflect on the events (more than likely the latter more so than the former) and my feelings of such. I enjoy writing, but as of late, I haven't had much energy to do so. I know that is because of the depression, even though I am on anti-depressants. I am in counseling and it is helping.

I am obsessed with: reading and writing, sci-fi and science, The X-Files and CSI, cartoons and kid shows, music and movies, Backstreet Boys and Rascal Flatts, pop and country.

I live in the middle of nowhere, so therefore I wind up spending most of my time at home because, even though I want to go somewhere, it costs to much to just go the fifteen miles into town. I don't like to be stuck in the middle of nowhere, but it's where I am, for now.

Going My Own Way