My Way

Everybody is just a stranger but
That's the danger in going my own way
I guess it's the price I have to pay

-- John Mayer, Why Georgia

After everything that has happened in my life I decided I had to go my own way. It no longer matters to me what people think. It doesn't matter if I only have a handful of friends. I have to forge my own path in the world. If that makes me an outcast, then sobeit. I have to face my own demons -- alone. I have to make choices that are right for me, regardless of the outcome.

My obsessions show either my willingness to follow the masses or my desire to follow my heart. Past obsessions have included: New Kids on the Block, Star Trek, The X-Files, Backstreet Boys, Roswell, and CSI. All have/had huge followings. I was just one of many. The one obessions I keep that doesn't have gads of followers is my obsession over pop singer/actress Krystal Harris. Not many people know of her, yet my devotion remains unwavering.

So what brought about this change? Probably the fact that I am going through some life-altering events in my life. This improved, hopefully more written-in, version of my journal is going focus on my reactions and feelings about these life-altering events.

Some people say, "It's my way or the highway." I say if you don't like what you read, don't read.

Going My Own Way